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Does an argument satisfy required conditions?


Check whether an argument is a logical vector of a certain length or a numeric vector in a certain range and issue an appropriate error or warning if not:

checkLogical throws an error or returns FALSE with a warning unless x is a logical vector of exactly the required length.

checkNumeric throws an error or returns FALSE with a warning unless x is either NULL or a numeric vector of at most length with x in the desired range.

checkLogicalInteger returns a logical vector of exactly length unless x is neither NULL nor logical of the required length nor numeric with x in the desired range.


checkLogical(x, length., warnOnly=FALSE)
checkNumeric(x, lower, upper, length., integer=TRUE, unique=TRUE,
             inclusion=c(TRUE,TRUE), warnOnly=FALSE)
checkLogicalInteger(x, length., warnOnly=FALSE)



an object to be checked


The required length for x if logical and not NULL or the maximum length if numeric.

lower, upper

lower and upper limits for x.


logical: If true, a numeric x must be integer.


logical: TRUE if duplicates are NOT allowed in x.


logical vector of length 2, similar to link[ifultools]{checkRange}:

if(inclusion[1]) (lower <= x) else (lower < x)

if(inclusion[2]) (x <= upper) else (x < upper)


logical: If TRUE, violations are reported as warnings, not as errors.


1. xName <- deparse(substitute(x)) to use in any required error or warning.

2. if(is.null(x)) handle appropriately: Return FALSE for checkLogical, TRUE for checkNumeric and rep(TRUE, length.) for checkLogicalInteger.

3. Check class(x).

4. Check other conditions.


checkLogical returns a logical vector of the required length., unless it issues an error message.

checkNumeric returns a numeric vector of at most length. with all elements between lower and upper, and optionally unique, unless it issues an error message.

checkLogicalInteger returns a logical vector of the required length., unless it issues an error message.


Spencer Graves


## checkLogical
checkLogical(NULL, length=3, warnOnly=TRUE)
checkLogical(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), length=4, warnOnly=TRUE)
checkLogical(c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), length=3)

## checkNumeric
checkNumeric(NULL, lower=1, upper=3)
checkNumeric(1:3, 1, 3)
checkNumeric(1:3, 1, 3, inclusion=FALSE, warnOnly=TRUE)
checkNumeric(pi, 1, 4, integer=TRUE, warnOnly=TRUE)
checkNumeric(c(1, 1), 1, 4, warnOnly=TRUE)
checkNumeric(c(1, 1), 1, 4, unique=FALSE, warnOnly=TRUE)

## checkLogicalInteger
checkLogicalInteger(NULL, 3)
checkLogicalInteger(c(FALSE, TRUE), warnOnly=TRUE) 
checkLogicalInteger(1:2, 3) 
checkLogicalInteger(2, warnOnly=TRUE) 
checkLogicalInteger(c(2, 4), 3, warnOnly=TRUE)

## checkLogicalInteger names its calling function 
## rather than itself as the location of error detection
## if possible
tstFun <- function(x, length., warnOnly=FALSE){
   checkLogicalInteger(x, length., warnOnly) 
tstFun(NULL, 3)
tstFun(4, 3, warnOnly=TRUE)

tstFun2 <- function(x, length., warnOnly=FALSE){
   tstFun(x, length., warnOnly)
tstFun2(4, 3, warnOnly=TRUE)


Functional Data Analysis

GPL (>= 2)
J. O. Ramsay <> [aut,cre], Spencer Graves <> [ctb], Giles Hooker <> [ctb]
Initial release

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