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Evaluate a Positive Functional Data Object


Evaluate a positive functional data object at specified argument values, or evaluate a derivative of the functional object.


eval.posfd(evalarg, Wfdobj, Lfdobj=int2Lfd(0))
## S3 method for class 'posfd'
predict(object, newdata=NULL, Lfdobj=0, ...)
## S3 method for class 'posfd'
fitted(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'posfd'
residuals(object, ...)


evalarg, newdata

a vector of argument values at which the functional data object is to be evaluated.


a functional data object that defines the positive function to be evaluated. Only univariate functions are permitted.


a nonnegative integer specifying a derivative to be evaluated. At this time of writing, permissible derivative values are 0, 1 or 2. A linear differential operator is not allowed.


an object of class posfd that defines the positive function to be evaluated. Only univariate functions are permitted.


optional arguments required by predict; not currently used.


A positive function data object $h(t)$ is defined by $h(t) =[exp Wfd](t)$. The function Wfdobj that defines the positive function is usually estimated by positive smoothing function smooth.pos


a matrix containing the positive function values. The first dimension corresponds to the argument values in evalarg and the second to replications.

See Also


harmaccelLfd <- vec2Lfd(c(0,(2*pi/365)^2,0), c(0, 365))
smallbasis   <- create.fourier.basis(c(0, 365), 65)
index        <- (1:35)[CanadianWeather$place == "Vancouver"]
VanPrec      <- CanadianWeather$dailyAv[,index, ""]
lambda       <- 1e4
dayfdPar     <- fdPar(smallbasis, harmaccelLfd, lambda)
VanPrecPos   <- smooth.pos(day.5, VanPrec, dayfdPar)
#  compute fitted values using eval.posfd()
VanPrecPosFit1 <- eval.posfd(day.5, VanPrecPos$Wfdobj)
#  compute fitted values using predict()
VanPrecPosFit2 <- predict(VanPrecPos, day.5)

all.equal(VanPrecPosFit1, VanPrecPosFit2)

#  compute fitted values using fitted()
VanPrecPosFit3 <- fitted(VanPrecPos)
#  compute residuals
VanPrecRes <- resid(VanPrecPos)

all.equal(VanPrecRes, VanPrecPos$y-VanPrecPosFit3)


Functional Data Analysis

GPL (>= 2)
J. O. Ramsay <> [aut,cre], Spencer Graves <> [ctb], Giles Hooker <> [ctb]
Initial release

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