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Bins the values of a variable (typically a factor)


Tool to easily group the values of a given variable.


bin(x, bin)



A vector whose values have to be grouped. Can be of any type but must be atomic.


A list of values to be grouped, a vector, or the special value "bin::digit". To create a new value from old values, use bin = list("new_value"=old_values) with old_values a vector of existing values. It accepts regular expressions, but they must start with an "@", like in bin="@Aug|Dec". The names of the list are the new names. If the new name is missing, the first value matched becomes the new name. Feeding in a vector is like using a list without name and only a single element. If the vector is numeric, you can use the special value "bin::digit" to group every digit element. For example if x represent years, using bin="bin::2" create bins of two years. Using "!bin::digit" groups every digit consecutive values starting from the first value. Using "!!bin::digit" is the same bu starting from the last value. In both cases, x is not required to be numeric.


It returns a vector of the same length as x


month_num = airquality$Month

# Grouping the first two values
table(bin(month_num, 5:6))

# ... plus changing the name to '10'
table(bin(month_num, list("10" = 5:6)))

# ... and grouping 7 to 9
table(bin(month_num, list("g1" = 5:6, "g2" = 7:9)))

# Grouping every two months
table(bin(month_num, "bin::2"))

# ... every 2 consecutive elements
table(bin(month_num, "!bin::2"))

# ... idem starting from the last one
table(bin(month_num, "!!bin::2"))

# with non numeric data

month_lab = c("may", "june", "july", "august", "september")
month_fact = factor(month_num, labels = month_lab)

# Grouping the first two elements
table(bin(month_fact, c("may", "jun")))

# ... using regex
table(bin(month_fact, "@may|jun"))

# ...changing the name
table(bin(month_fact, list("spring" = "@may|jun")))

# Grouping every 2 consecutive months
table(bin(month_fact, "!bin::2"))

# ...idem but starting from the last
table(bin(month_fact, "!!bin::2"))


Fast Fixed-Effects Estimations

Laurent Berge [aut, cre], Sebastian Krantz [ctb], Grant McDermott [ctb] (<>)
Initial release

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