Render flextable in rmarkdown
Function used to render flextable in knitr/rmarkdown documents.
You should not call this method directly. This function is used by the knitr package to automatically display a flextable in an "R Markdown" document from a chunk. However, it is recommended to read its documentation in order to get familiar with the different options available.
HTML, Word, PowerPoint and PDF outputs are supported.
Table captioning is a flextable feature compatible with R Markdown documents. The feature is available for HTML, PDF and Word documents. Compatibility with the "bookdown" package is also ensured, including the ability to produce captions so that they can be used in cross-referencing.
## S3 method for class 'flextable' knit_print(x, ...)
x |
a |
... |
further arguments, not used. |
Some features, often specific to an output format, are available to help you configure some global settings relatve to the table output. knitr's chunk options are to be used to change the default settings:
chunk option | property | default value | HTML | docx | pptx | |
ft.align | flextable alignment, supported values are 'left', 'center' and 'right' | 'center' | yes | yes | yes | no |
ft.shadow | HTML option, disable shadow dom (set to FALSE ) for pagedown. |
TRUE | yes | no | no | no |
ft.split | Word option 'Allow row to break across pages' can be activated when TRUE. | FALSE | no | yes | no | no |
ft.tabcolsep | space between the text and the left/right border of its containing cell | 8.0 | no | no | yes | no |
ft.arraystretch | height of each row relative to its default height | 1.5 | no | no | yes | no |
ft.left | left coordinates in inches | 1.0 | no | no | no | yes | | top coordinates in inches | 2.0 | no | no | no | yes |
Captions can be defined in two ways.
The first is with the set_caption
function. If it is used,
the other method will be ignored. The second method is by using
knitr chunk option tab.cap
set_caption(x, caption = "my caption")
If set_caption
function is not used, caption identifier will be
read from knitr's chunk option
or label
if in a bookdown
(this is to respect the bookdown standards).'my_id'
or label='my_id'
Some options are available to customise captions for any output:
label | name | value |
caption id/bookmark | | NULL |
caption | tab.cap | NULL |
display table caption on top of the table or not | tab.topcaption | TRUE |
caption table sequence identifier. | tab.lp | "tab:" |
Word output provide more options such as ability to choose the prefix for numbering chunk for example. The table below expose these options:
label | name | value |
Word stylename to use for table captions. | | NULL |
prefix for numbering chunk (default to "Table "). | tab.cap.pre | Table |
suffix for numbering chunk (default to ": "). | tab.cap.sep | " :" |
title number depth | tab.cap.tnd | 0 |
caption prefix formatting properties | tab.cap.fp_text | fp_text_lite(bold = TRUE) |
separator to use between title number and table number. | tab.cap.tns | "-" |
HTML output is using shadow dom to encapsule the table
into an isolated part of the page so that no clash happens
with styles. Some output may not support this feature. To our
knowledge, only the pagedown output is concerned.
Use knitr chunk option ft.shadow=FALSE
to disable shadow dom.
If ft.shadow=TRUE
some global CSS rules may change the
desired output of flextables.
Some features are not implemented in PDF due to technical infeasibility. These are the padding, line_spacing and height properties.
Background color and merged cells are also sources of trouble with PDF format. Authors are hoping to fix these issues in the future.
Auto-adjust Layout is not available for PowerPoint.
Images cannot be integrated into tables with the PowerPoint format.
Supported formats require some minimum pandoc versions:
Output format | pandoc minimal version |
HTML | >= 1.12 |
Word (docx) | >= 2.0 |
PowerPoint (pptx) | >= 2.4 |
>= 1.12 |
Other flextable print function:
# simple examples ----- demo_docx <- system.file(package = "flextable", "examples/rmd", "demo.Rmd") rmd_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".Rmd") file.copy(demo_docx, to = rmd_file, overwrite = TRUE) rmd_file # R Markdown document used for demo if(require("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)){ # knitr::opts_chunk$set(webshot = "webshot2") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "word_document", output_file = "doc.docx") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "pdf_document", output_file = "doc.pdf") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "html_document", output_file = "doc.html") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "powerpoint_presentation", output_file = "pres.pptx") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "slidy_presentation", output_file = "slidy.html") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "beamer_presentation", output_file = "beamer.pdf") # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = "pagedown::html_paged", output_file = "paged.html") } ## bookdown examples wth captions and cross ref ----- # captions_example <- system.file( # package = "flextable", # "examples/rmd", "captions_example.Rmd") # # dir_tmp <- tempfile(pattern = "dir") # dir.create(dir_tmp, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) # file.copy(captions_example, dir_tmp) # rmd_file <- file.path(dir_tmp, basename(captions_example)) # # file.copy(captions_example, to = rmd_file, overwrite = TRUE) # # if(require("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE)){ # render(input = rmd_file, # output_format = word_document(), # output_file = "doc.docx") # render(input = rmd_file, # output_format = pdf_document(latex_engine = "xelatex"), # output_file = "doc.pdf") # render(input = rmd_file, # output_format = html_document(), # output_file = "doc.html") # # # bookdown ---- # if(require("bookdown", quietly = TRUE)){ # render(input = rmd_file, output_format = word_document2(), # output_file = "book.docx") # render(input = rmd_file, # output_format = pdf_document2(latex_engine = "xelatex"), # output_file = "book.pdf") # render(input = rmd_file, # output_format = html_document2(), # output_file = "book.html") # # # officedown ---- # if(require("officedown", quietly = TRUE)){ # render(input = rmd_file, # output_format = markdown_document2(base_format=rdocx_document), # output_file = "officedown.docx") # } # } # } # browseURL(dirname(rmd_file))
Please choose more modern alternatives, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.