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Generate a Font Awesome <i> tag


The fa_i() function creates a Font Awesome <i> tag and not an SVG as with fa(). The primary use case for fa_i() is for legacy Shiny applications that use the shiny::icon() function. This function is called within a shiny::icon() call and all HTML dependencies to support icon generation are hosted in the fontawesome package.


fa_i(name, class = NULL, ..., html_dependency = NULL, verify_fa = TRUE)



The name of the Font Awesome icon. This could be as a short name (e.g., "npm", "drum", etc.), or, a full name (e.g., "fab fa-npm", "fas fa-drum", etc.). The names should correspond to current Version 5 Font Awesome names. A list of short and full names can be accessed through the fa_metadata() function with fa_metadata()$icon_names and fa_metadata()$icon_names_full. If supplying a Version 4 icon name, it will be internally translated to the Version 5 icon name and a Version 5 icon will be returned. A data frame containing the short names that changed from version 4 (v4_name) to version 5 (v5_name) can be obtained by using fa_metadata()$v4_v5_name_tbl.


Additional classes to customize the style of the icon (see the usage examples for details on supported styles).


Arguments passed to the <i> tag of htmltools::tags.


Provides an opportunity to use a custom html_dependency object (created via a call to htmltools::htmlDependency()) instead of one supplied by the function (which uses Font Awesome's free assets and are bundled in the package). A custom html_dependency object is useful when you have paid icons from Font Awesome or would otherwise like to customize exactly which icon assets are used (e.g., woff, woff2, eot, etc.). By default, this is NULL where the function interally generates an html_dependency.


An option to verify the provided icon name. If TRUE (the default), internal checks will take place and issue messages should the name is a Font Awesome 4 icon name (the message will provide the Version 5 name), or, if the icon name cannot be found in either Font Awesome 4 or 5.


An icon element.


if (interactive()) {

# Create a Font Awesome icon object
fa_i(name = "r-project")



Easily Work with 'Font Awesome' Icons

Richard Iannone [aut, cre] (<>), Christophe Dervieux [ctb] (<>), Winston Chang [ctb], Dave Gandy [ctb, cph] (Font-Awesome font), RStudio [cph, fnd]
Initial release

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