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Fourier terms for modelling seasonality


fourier returns a matrix containing terms from a Fourier series, up to order K, suitable for use in Arima, auto.arima, or tslm.


fourier(x, K, h = NULL)

fourierf(x, K, h)



Seasonal time series: a ts or a msts object


Maximum order(s) of Fourier terms


Number of periods ahead to forecast (optional)


fourierf is deprecated, instead use the h argument in fourier.

The period of the Fourier terms is determined from the time series characteristics of x. When h is missing, the length of x also determines the number of rows for the matrix returned by fourier. Otherwise, the value of h determines the number of rows for the matrix returned by fourier, typically used for forecasting. The values within x are not used.

Typical use would omit h when generating Fourier terms for training a model and include h when generating Fourier terms for forecasting.

When x is a ts object, the value of K should be an integer and specifies the number of sine and cosine terms to return. Thus, the matrix returned has 2*K columns.

When x is a msts object, then K should be a vector of integers specifying the number of sine and cosine terms for each of the seasonal periods. Then the matrix returned will have 2*sum(K) columns.


Numerical matrix.


Rob J Hyndman

See Also



# Using Fourier series for a "ts" object
# K is chosen to minimize the AICc
deaths.model  <- auto.arima(USAccDeaths, xreg=fourier(USAccDeaths,K=5), seasonal=FALSE)
deaths.fcast <- forecast(deaths.model, xreg=fourier(USAccDeaths, K=5, h=36))
autoplot(deaths.fcast) + xlab("Year")

# Using Fourier series for a "msts" object
taylor.lm <- tslm(taylor ~ fourier(taylor, K = c(3, 3)))
taylor.fcast <- forecast(taylor.lm,
    data.frame(fourier(taylor, K = c(3, 3), h = 270)))


Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models

Rob Hyndman [aut, cre, cph] (<>), George Athanasopoulos [aut], Christoph Bergmeir [aut] (<>), Gabriel Caceres [aut], Leanne Chhay [aut], Mitchell O'Hara-Wild [aut] (<>), Fotios Petropoulos [aut] (<>), Slava Razbash [aut], Earo Wang [aut], Farah Yasmeen [aut] (<>), R Core Team [ctb, cph], Ross Ihaka [ctb, cph], Daniel Reid [ctb], David Shaub [ctb], Yuan Tang [ctb] (<>), Zhenyu Zhou [ctb]
Initial release

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