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Calculate the norm of functional data


This function calculates the norm for each observation of a funData, irregFunData or multiFunData object.



An object of class funData, irregFunData or multiFunData.


Further parameters (see Details).


For funData objects, the standard L^2 norm is calculated:

||f|| = (\int f(t)^2 dt)^{1/2}.

For irregFunData objects, each observed function is integrated only on the observed grid points (unless fullDom = TRUE).

The (weighted) norm of a multivariate functional data object f = (f_1 , …, f_p) is defined as

||| f ||| := ( ∑ w_j || f_j ||^2 )^{1/2}.

Further parameters passed to this function may include:

  • squared: Logical. If TRUE (default), the function calculates the squared norm, otherwise the result is not squared.

  • obs: A numeric vector, giving the indices of the observations, for which the norm is to be calculated. Defaults to all observations.

  • method: A character string, giving the integration method to be used. See integrate for details.

  • weight: An optional vector of weights for the scalar product; particularly useful for multivariate functional data, where each entry can be weighted in the scalar product / norm. Defaults to 1 for each element.

  • fullDom: Logical. If object is of class irregFunData and fullDom = TRUE, all functions are extrapolated to the same domain. Defaults to FALSE. See integrate for details.


A numeric vector representing the norm of each observation.


The function is currently implemented only for functional data with one- and two-dimensional domains.

See Also


# Univariate
object <- funData(argvals = 1:5, X = rbind(1:5, 6:10))

# Univariate (irregular)
irregObject <- irregFunData(argvals = list(1:5, 2:4), X = list(2:6, 3:5))
norm(irregObject) # no extrapolation
norm(irregObject, fullDom = TRUE) # extrapolation (of second function)

# Multivariate
multiObject <- multiFunData(object, funData(argvals = 1:3, X = rbind(3:5, 6:8)))
norm(multiObject, weight = c(2,1)) # with weight vector, giving more weight to the first element


An S4 Class for Functional Data

Clara Happ-Kurz [aut, cre]
Initial release

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