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Class "PictureGroup"


A grouped collection of picture pieces.



Object of class "list" that is a list of objects of class "PictureContent".


Object of class "ANY". Either NULL or an object of class "PictureClipPath".


Object of class "ANY". A character reference to an object that will apply a filter effect to this group. Not intended to be used directly (so can be NULL.


Object of class "ANY". A character reference to an object that will mask this group. Not intended to be used directly (so can be NULL.


Object of class "gpar". A grid gpar object to apply to the group.


Class "PictureContent", directly.



signature(x = "PictureGroup"): subset the content of the group to produce a new picture.


signature(x = "PictureGroup"): extract a single piece of a picture group. Each piece will be an object of class "PictureContent".


signature(object = "PictureGroup", tm = "matrix"): transforms the locations described by contents of the group object by a 3x3 transformation matrix and returns a "PictureGroup" object whose children have had locations transformed by the matrix.


signature(object = "PictureGroup"): convert to a grid grob (for use as a one-off image) for drawing.

This method is typically not called directly but can take three additional arguments.


This argument takes an object of class "PictureDefinitions". This object allows us to make use of referenced content features in the gridSVG package.


This arugment takes a function that modifies a gpar object. The function should take a single argument that is a gpar object, modify that gpar object, and then return it. By default this argument is assigned the value of the identity function.


A character vector. This argument can partially match to one of off, clipbbox, or gridSVG. When off, no clipping is applied to the group. When clipbbox, the contents of the group will be clipped to the bounding box of the clipping definition. When gridSVG, the contents of the group will be clipped to the non-zero region defined by the clipping definition, in addition to using gridSVG features (i.e. gradients, filters), when required. bbox is restricted to rectangular clipping regions, while gridSVG has no such restriction and can clip to any arbitrary region.


Simon Potter


Importing 'SVG' Graphics

GPL (>= 2)
Simon Potter [aut], Paul Murrell [aut, cre] (<>)
Initial release

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