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Miscellaneous utility functions for demogdata type mortality data


This function calculates and outputs the corresponding (observed) number of deaths from a demogdata type mortality data for a choice of ages and calendar years.


extract.deaths(data, ages = data$age, years = data$year, combine.upper = T, 
				fill.method = NULL, series = names(data$rate)[1])



mortality data object of demogdata class


vector of ages to extract


vector of years to extract


logical, if TRUE, ages above max(ages) will be grouped together


string value indicating the method to be used for correcting missing or 0 transition rates before estimating the number of deaths (e.g. one of "perks", "interpolate" or "mspline"). By default is set to NULL, which corresponds to no data correction.


target series name (e.g. 'males') or index number (e.g. 1) of the data object to be extracted


A 'fictive' demogdata class object in which the (mortality) rate component is replaced by the extracted number of deaths.


When estimating the number of deaths (as the product between mortality rates and exposures), some assumptions will need to be made for the cases where the mortality rates are missing (NA). That is, it is not possible to estimate the number of deaths where the exposure (population) is zero because for those cases the corresponding hazard rate (mu) will most likely be NA in the dataset (unless mu was estimated by other means, like a moving average or smoothing, etc.). However, it is reasonable to assume that zero exposures correspond to no observed deaths, which is implemented here. Further, when a fill.method is specified, then the zero and the missing mortality rates are corrected before calculating the number of deaths.


Z. Butt and S. Haberman and H. L. Shang

See Also


# 'observed' number of deaths (i.e. no data correction)
extract.deaths(dd.cmi.pens, ages=55:100)
# number of deaths with corrections using Perks mortality model
tmp.d <- extract.deaths(dd.cmi.pens, ages=55:100, fill='perks')
# Note: to further improve the plot the user can change the vertical
# axis label and/or main title (amongst other plotting parameters).
plot(tmp.d, transf=FALSE, ylab='Number of Deaths')    # change ylab
plot_dd(tmp.d, transf=FALSE, ylab='Number of Deaths', lpar=list(,, cex=0.85))
plot_dd(tmp.d, y=1995:2003, transf=FALSE, lty=1:5, ylab='Number of Deaths',
  main=paste(tmp.d$lab, ": male (1995-2003)", sep='')) # change main title


Lee-Carter Mortality Models using Iterative Fitting Algorithms

GPL (>= 2)
Zoltan Butt, Steven Haberman and Han Lin Shang
Initial release

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