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Retrieve the dynamic library (or DLL) associated with a package of a function generated by cfunction


The getDynLib function retrieves the dynamic library (or DLL) associated with a package or with a function generated by cfunction


signature(x = "CFunc")

Retrieves the dynamic library associated with the function generated by cfunction. The library is dynamically loaded if necessary.

signature(x = "CFuncList")

Retrieves the dynamic library associated with a set of functions generated by cfunction. The library is dynamically loaded if necessary.

signature(x = "character")

Retrieves the dynamic library of the given name. This typically refers to package names, but can be any name of the list returned by getLoadedDLLs

See Also


## Not run: 
getDynLib( "base" )

f <- cfunction( signature() , "return R_NilValue ;" )
getDynLib( f )

## End(Not run)


Functions to Inline C, C++, Fortran Function Calls from R

Oleg Sklyar, Duncan Murdoch, Mike Smith, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Francois, Karline Soetaert, Johannes Ranke
Initial release

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