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Pointwise interpolate irregular gridded data


This function implements bivariate interpolation onto a set of points for irregularly spaced input data.

This function is meant for backward compatibility to package akima, please use interp with its output argument set to "points" now.


interpp(x, y = NULL, z, xo, yo = NULL, linear = TRUE,
  extrap = FALSE, duplicate = "error", dupfun = NULL,
  deltri = "shull")



vector of x-coordinates of data points or a SpatialPointsDataFrame object. Missing values are not accepted.


vector of y-coordinates of data points. Missing values are not accepted.

If left as NULL indicates that x should be a SpatialPointsDataFrame and z names the variable of interest in this dataframe.


vector of z-coordinates of data points or a character variable naming the variable of interest in the SpatialPointsDataFrame x.

Missing values are not accepted.

x, y, and z must be the same length (execpt if x is a SpatialPointsDataFrame) and may contain no fewer than four points. The points of x and y cannot be collinear, i.e, they cannot fall on the same line (two vectors x and y such that y = ax + b for some a, b will not be accepted).


vector of x-coordinates of points at which to evaluate the interpolating function. If x is a SpatialPointsDataFrame this has also to be a SpatialPointsDataFrame.


vector of y-coordinates of points at which to evaluate the interpolating function.

If operating on SpatialPointsDataFrames this is left as NULL


logical – indicating wether linear or spline interpolation should be used.


logical flag: should extrapolation be used outside of the convex hull determined by the data points? Not possible for linear interpolation.


indicates how to handle duplicate data points. Possible values are "error" - produces an error message, "strip" - remove duplicate z values, "mean","median","user" - calculate mean , median or user defined function of duplicate z values.


this function is applied to duplicate points if duplicate="user"


triangulation method used, this argument will later be moved into a control set together with others related to the spline interpolation!


a list with 3 components:


If output="grid": vectors of x- and y-coordinates of output grid, the same as the input argument xo, or yo, if present. Otherwise, their default, a vector 40 points evenly spaced over the range of the input x and y.

If output="points": vectors of x- and y-coordinates of output points as given by xo and yo.


If output="grid": matrix of fitted z-values. The value z[i,j] is computed at the point (xo[i], yo[j]). z has dimensions length(xo) times length(yo).

If output="points": a vector with the calculated z values for the output points as given by xo and yo.

If the input was a SpatialPointsDataFrame a SpatialPixelssDataFrame is returned for output="grid" and a SpatialPointsDataFrame for output="points".


This is only a call wrapper meant for backward compatibility, see interp for more details!


Albrecht Gebhardt <>, Roger Bivand <>


Moebius, A. F. (1827) Der barymetrische Calcul. Verlag v. Johann Ambrosius Barth, Leipzig,

Franke, R., (1979). A critical comparison of some methods for interpolation of scattered data. Tech. Rep. NPS-53-79-003, Dept. of Mathematics, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif.

See Also


### Use all datasets from Franke, 1979:
### calculate z at shifted original locations.
for(i in 1:5)
    for(j in 1:3){
        FR <-,j,franke)
        IL <- with(FR, interpp(x,y,z,x+0.1,y+0.1,linear=TRUE))


Interpolation Methods

GPL (>= 2)
Albrecht Gebhardt [aut, cre, cph] (...), Roger Bivand [aut], David Sinclair [aut, cph]
Initial release

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