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'kernelboot' class object


'kernelboot' class object


Object of class "kernelboot", is a list with components including

orig.stat estimates from statistic on the original data,
boot.samples samples drawn,
call function call,
statistic actual statistic function that was used, original data used for bootstrapping,
variables used variables: it is NULL for univariate data and for multivariate data it contains two lists of smoothed and ignored variables (names or column indexes) during the smoothing phase.
type type of kernel density that was used ("univariate", "product", "multivariate"),
param list of parameters that were used.

param section contains:

R number of bootstrap iterations,
bw the bandwidth that was used,
weights vector of the weights that were applied,
kernel name of the kernel that was used ("multivariate", "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular", "triangular", "biweight", "cosine", "optcosine", "none"),
shrinked value of the shrinked parameter,
parallel indicates if parallel computation was used,
random.seed random seed used to initialize the random number generator (see .Random.seed).

See Also


Smoothed Bootstrap and Random Generation from Kernel Densities

Tymoteusz Wolodzko
Initial release

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