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Utility Functions: Constraints


Utility functions for equality and inequality constraints.


lav_constraints_parse(partable = NULL, constraints = NULL, theta = NULL, 
                     debug = FALSE)
lav_partable_constraints_ceq(partable, con = NULL, debug = FALSE, 
                             txtOnly = FALSE)
lav_partable_constraints_ciq(partable, con = NULL, debug = FALSE, 
                             txtOnly = FALSE)
lav_partable_constraints_def(partable, con = NULL, debug = FALSE, 
                             txtOnly = FALSE)



A lavaan parameter table.


A character string containing the constraints.


A numeric vector. Optional vector with values for the model parameters in the parameter table.


Logical. If TRUE, show debugging information.


An optional partable where the operator is one of ‘==’, ‘>’, ‘<’ or ‘:=’


Logical. If TRUE, only the body of the function is returned as a character string. If FALSE, a function is returned.


This is a collection of lower-level constraint related functions that are used in the lavaan code. They are made public per request of package developers. Below is a brief description of what they do:

The lav_constraints_parse function parses the constraints specification (provided as a string, see example), and generates a list with useful information about the constraints.

The lav_partable_constraints_ceq function creates a function which takes the (unconstrained) parameter vector as input, and returns the slack values for each equality constraint. If the equality constraints hold perfectly, this function returns zeroes.

The lav_partable_constraints_ciq function creates a function which takes the (unconstrained) parameter vector as input, and returns the slack values for each inequality constraint.

The lav_partable_constraints_def function creates a function which takes the (unconstrained) parameter vector as input, and returns the computed values of the defined parameters.


myModel <- 'x1 ~ a*x2 + b*x3 + c*x4'
myParTable <- lavaanify(myModel, = FALSE)
con <- ' a == 2*b
         b - c == 5 '
conInfo <- lav_constraints_parse(myParTable, constraints = con)

myModel2 <- 'x1 ~ a*x2 + b*x3 + c*x4
             a == 2*b
             b - c == 5 '
ceq <- lav_partable_constraints_ceq(partable = lavaanify(myModel2))
ceq( c(2,3,4) )


Latent Variable Analysis

GPL (>= 2)
Yves Rosseel [aut, cre] (<>), Terrence D. Jorgensen [aut] (<>), Nicholas Rockwood [aut] (<>), Daniel Oberski [ctb], Jarrett Byrnes [ctb], Leonard Vanbrabant [ctb], Victoria Savalei [ctb], Ed Merkle [ctb], Michael Hallquist [ctb], Mijke Rhemtulla [ctb], Myrsini Katsikatsou [ctb], Mariska Barendse [ctb], Florian Scharf [ctb], Han Du [ctb]
Initial release

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