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Fit Measures for a Latent Variable Model


This function computes a variety of fit measures to assess the global fit of a latent variable model.


fitMeasures(object, fit.measures = "all", baseline.model = NULL, 
            output = "vector", ...)
fitmeasures(object, fit.measures = "all", baseline.model = NULL, 
            output = "vector", ...)



An object of class lavaan.


If "all", all fit measures available will be returned. If only a single or a few fit measures are specified by name, only those are computed and returned.


If not NULL, an object of class lavaan, representing a user-specified baseline model. If a baseline model is provided, all fit indices relying on a baseline model (eg. CFI or TLI) will use the test statistics from this user-specified baseline model, instead of the default baseline model.


Character. If "vector" (the default), display the output as a named (lavaan-formatted) vector. If "matrix", display the output as a 1-column matrix. If "text", display the output using subsections and verbose descriptions. The latter is used in the summary output, and does not print the chi-square test by default. See the examples how to add the chi-square test in the output.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods. Not currently used for lavaan objects.


A named numeric vector of fit measures.


HS.model <- ' visual  =~ x1 + x2 + x3
              textual =~ x4 + x5 + x6
              speed   =~ x7 + x8 + x9 '

fit <- cfa(HS.model, data=HolzingerSwineford1939)
fitMeasures(fit, "cfi")
fitMeasures(fit, c("chisq", "df", "pvalue", "cfi", "rmsea"))
fitMeasures(fit, c("chisq", "df", "pvalue", "cfi", "rmsea"), 
            output = "matrix")
print(fitMeasures(fit, c("chisq", "df", "pvalue", "cfi", "rmsea"),
                  output = "text"), add.h0 = TRUE)


Latent Variable Analysis

GPL (>= 2)
Yves Rosseel [aut, cre] (<>), Terrence D. Jorgensen [aut] (<>), Nicholas Rockwood [aut] (<>), Daniel Oberski [ctb], Jarrett Byrnes [ctb], Leonard Vanbrabant [ctb], Victoria Savalei [ctb], Ed Merkle [ctb], Michael Hallquist [ctb], Mijke Rhemtulla [ctb], Myrsini Katsikatsou [ctb], Mariska Barendse [ctb], Florian Scharf [ctb], Han Du [ctb]
Initial release

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