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Getting p-values for fitted models


One of the most frequently asked questions about lme4 is "how do I calculate p-values for estimated parameters?" Previous versions of lme4 provided the mcmcsamp function, which efficiently generated a Markov chain Monte Carlo sample from the posterior distribution of the parameters, assuming flat (scaled likelihood) priors. Due to difficulty in constructing a version of mcmcsamp that was reliable even in cases where the estimated random effect variances were near zero (e.g., mcmcsamp has been withdrawn (or more precisely, not updated to work with lme4 versions >=1.0.0).

Many users, including users of the aovlmer.fnc function from the languageR package which relies on mcmcsamp, will be deeply disappointed by this lacuna. Users who need p-values have a variety of options. In the list below, the methods marked MC provide explicit model comparisons; CI denotes confidence intervals; and P denotes parameter-level or sequential tests of all effects in a model. The starred (*) suggestions provide finite-size corrections (important when the number of groups is <50); those marked (+) support GLMMs as well as LMMs.

  • likelihood ratio tests via anova or drop1 (MC,+)

  • profile confidence intervals via profile.merMod and confint.merMod (CI,+)

  • parametric bootstrap confidence intervals and model comparisons via bootMer (or PBmodcomp in the pbkrtest package) (MC/CI,*,+)

  • for random effects, simulation tests via the RLRsim package (MC,*)

  • for fixed effects, F tests via Kenward-Roger approximation using KRmodcomp from the pbkrtest package (MC,*)

  • car::Anova and lmerTest::anova provide wrappers for Kenward-Roger-corrected tests using pbkrtest: lmerTest::anova also provides t tests via the Satterthwaite approximation (P,*)

  • afex::mixed is another wrapper for pbkrtest and anova providing "Type 3" tests of all effects (P,*,+)

arm::sim, or bootMer, can be used to compute confidence intervals on predictions.

For glmer models, the summary output provides p-values based on asymptotic Wald tests (P); while this is standard practice for generalized linear models, these tests make assumptions both about the shape of the log-likelihood surface and about the accuracy of a chi-squared approximation to differences in log-likelihoods.

When all else fails, don't forget to keep p-values in perspective:


Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4

GPL (>= 2)
Douglas Bates [aut] (<>), Martin Maechler [aut] (<>), Ben Bolker [aut, cre] (<>), Steven Walker [aut] (<>), Rune Haubo Bojesen Christensen [ctb] (<>), Henrik Singmann [ctb] (<>), Bin Dai [ctb], Fabian Scheipl [ctb] (<>), Gabor Grothendieck [ctb], Peter Green [ctb] (<>), John Fox [ctb], Alexander Bauer [ctb], Pavel N. Krivitsky [ctb, cph] (<>, shared copyright on simulate.formula)
Initial release

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