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Weighted Arithmetic Mean


Computes the weighted sample mean of a numeric vector.


weightedMean(x, w = NULL, idxs = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, refine = FALSE, ...)



a numeric or logical vector containing the values whose weighted mean is to be computed.


a vector of weights the same length as x giving the weights to use for each element of x. Negative weights are treated as zero weights. Default value is equal weight to all values. If a missing-value weight exists, the result is always a missing value.


A vector indicating subset of elements to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


a logical value indicating whether NA values in x should be stripped before the computation proceeds, or not. If NA, no check at all for NAs is done. Default value is NA (for efficiency).


If TRUE and x is numeric, then extra effort is used to calculate the average with greater numerical precision, otherwise not.


Not used.


Returns a numeric scalar. If x is of zero length, then NaN is returned, which is consistent with mean().

Missing values

This function handles missing values consistently with weighted.mean. More precisely, if na.rm = FALSE, then any missing values in either x or w will give result NA_real_. If na.rm = TRUE, then all (x, w) data points for which x is missing are skipped. Note that if both x and w are missing for a data points, then it is also skipped (by the same rule). However, if only w is missing, then the final results will always be NA_real_ regardless of na.rm.


Henrik Bengtsson

See Also


x <- 1:10
n <- length(x)

w <- rep(1, times = n)
m0 <- weighted.mean(x, w)
m1 <- weightedMean(x, w)
stopifnot(identical(m1, m0))

# Pull the mean towards zero
w[1] <- 5
m0 <- weighted.mean(x, w)
m1 <- weightedMean(x, w)
stopifnot(identical(m1, m0))

# Put even more weight on the zero
w[1] <- 8.5
m0 <- weighted.mean(x, w)
m1 <- weightedMean(x, w)
stopifnot(identical(m1, m0))

# All weight on the first value
w[1] <- Inf
m0 <- weighted.mean(x, w)
m1 <- weightedMean(x, w)
stopifnot(identical(m1, m0))

# All weight on the last value
w[1] <- 1
w[n] <- Inf
m0 <- weighted.mean(x, w)
m1 <- weightedMean(x, w)
stopifnot(identical(m1, m0))

# All weights set to zero
w <- rep(0, times = n)
m0 <- weighted.mean(x, w)
m1 <- weightedMean(x, w)
stopifnot(identical(m1, m0))


Functions that Apply to Rows and Columns of Matrices (and to Vectors)

Henrik Bengtsson [aut, cre, cph], Constantin Ahlmann-Eltze [ctb], Hector Corrada Bravo [ctb], Robert Gentleman [ctb], Jan Gleixner [ctb], Peter Hickey [ctb], Ola Hossjer [ctb], Harris Jaffee [ctb], Dongcan Jiang [ctb], Peter Langfelder [ctb], Brian Montgomery [ctb], Hugh Parsonage [ctb]
Initial release

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