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Subset rows of a mids object


This function takes a mids object and returns a new mids object that pertains to the subset of the data identified by the expression in .... The expression may use column values from the incomplete data in .data$data.


## S3 method for class 'mids'
filter(.data, ..., .preserve = FALSE)



A mids object.


Expressions that return a logical value, and are defined in terms of the variables in .data$data. If multiple expressions are specified, they are combined with the & operator. Only rows for which all conditions evaluate to TRUE are kept.


Relevant when the .data input is grouped. If .preserve = FALSE (the default), the grouping structure is recalculated based on the resulting data, otherwise the grouping is kept as is.


An S3 object of class mids


The function calculates a logical vector include of length nrow(.data$data). The function constructs the elements of the filtered mids object as follows:

data Select rows in .data$data for which include == TRUE
imp Select rows each imputation data.frame in .data$imp for which include == TRUE
m Equals .data$m
where Select rows in .data$where for which include == TRUE
blocks Equals .data$blocks
call Equals .data$call
nmis Recalculate nmis based on the selected data rows
method Equals .data$method
predictorMatrix Equals .data$predictorMatrix
visitSequence Equals .data$visitSequence
formulas Equals .data$formulas
post Equals .data$post
blots Equals .data$blots
ignore Select positions in .data$ignore for which include == TRUE
seed Equals .data$seed
iteration Equals .data$iteration
lastSeedValue Equals .data$lastSeedValue
chainMean Set to NULL
chainVar Set to NULL
loggedEvents Equals .data$loggedEvents
version Replaced with current version
date Replaced with current date


Patrick Rockenschaub

See Also


imp <- mice(nhanes, m = 2, maxit = 1, print = FALSE)

# example with external logical vector
imp_f <- filter(imp, c(rep(TRUE, 13), rep(FALSE, 12)))


# example with calculated include vector
imp_f2 <- filter(imp, age >= 2 & hyp == 1)
nrow(complete(imp_f2))  # should be 5


Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations

GPL-2 | GPL-3
Stef van Buuren [aut, cre], Karin Groothuis-Oudshoorn [aut], Gerko Vink [ctb], Rianne Schouten [ctb], Alexander Robitzsch [ctb], Patrick Rockenschaub [ctb], Lisa Doove [ctb], Shahab Jolani [ctb], Margarita Moreno-Betancur [ctb], Ian White [ctb], Philipp Gaffert [ctb], Florian Meinfelder [ctb], Bernie Gray [ctb], Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb]
Initial release

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