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Standardization of a Matrix


This function performs a z-standardization for a numeric matrix. Note that in a case of a zero standard deviation all matrix entries are divided by a small number such that no NaNs occur.


ma.scale2(x, missings=FALSE)



A numeric matrix in which missing values are permitted


A logical indicating whether missings occur (or could occur) in the dataset


A matrix

See Also


# EXAMPLE 1: z-standardization data.internet

dat <- data.internet

# z-standardize all variables in this dataset
zdat <- miceadds::ma.scale2( dat, missings=TRUE )

## Not run: 
# SIMULATED EXAMPLE 2: Speed comparison for many cases and many variables

# 3000 cases, 200 variables
N <- 3000
p <- 200
# simulate some data
x <- matrix( stats::rnorm( N*p ), N, p )
x <- round( x, 2 )

# compare computation times for 10 replications
B <- 10
    s1 <- Sys.time()        # scale in R
for (bb in 1:B){
    res <- scale(x)
} ; s2 <- Sys.time() ; d1 <- s2-s1

    s1 <- Sys.time()        # scale in miceadds
for (bb in 1:B){
    res1 <- miceadds::ma.scale2(x)
} ; s2 <- Sys.time() ; d2 <- s2-s1

# scale in miceadds with missing handling
    s1 <- Sys.time()
for (bb in 1:B){
    res1 <- miceadds::ma.scale2(x,missings=TRUE)
} ; s2 <- Sys.time() ; d3 <- s2-s1
d1      # scale in R
d2      # scale in miceadds (no missing handling)
d3      # scale in miceadds (with missing handling)
  ##   > d1      # scale in R
  ##   Time difference of 1.622431 secs
  ##   > d2      # scale in miceadds (no missing handling)
  ##   Time difference of 0.156003 secs
  ##   > d3      # scale in miceadds (with missing handling)
  ##   Time difference of 0.2028039 secs

## End(Not run)


Some Additional Multiple Imputation Functions, Especially for 'mice'

GPL (>= 2)
Alexander Robitzsch [aut,cre] (<>), Simon Grund [aut] (<>), Thorsten Henke [ctb]
Initial release
2021-01-21 11:48:47

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