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Multiple Imputation by Chained Equations using One Chain


This function modifies the mice::mice function to multiply impute a dataset using a long chain instead of multiple parallel chains which is the approach employed in mice::mice.


mice.1chain(data, burnin=10, iter=20, Nimp=10, method=NULL,
     where=NULL, visitSequence=NULL, blots=NULL, post=NULL,
     defaultMethod=c("pmm", "logreg", "polyreg", "polr"),
     printFlag=TRUE, seed=NA, data.init=NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mids.1chain'

## S3 method for class 'mids.1chain'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'mids.1chain'
plot(x, plot.burnin=FALSE, ask=TRUE, ...)



Numeric matrix


Number of burn-in iterations


Total number of imputations (larger than burnin)


Number of imputations


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


See mice::mice


Object of class mids.1chain


Object of class mids.1chain


An optional logical indicating whether burnin iterations should be included in the traceplot


An optional logical indicating a user request for viewing next plot


See mice::mice


A list with following entries


Objects of class mids


List of multiply imputed datasets


Original and imputed dataset in the long format


List of mids objects for every imputation


Trace of means for all imputed variables


Trace of variances for all imputed variables


Multiple imputation can also be used for determining causal effects (see Example 3; Schafer & Kang, 2008).

See Also


# EXAMPLE 1: One chain nhanes data

data(nhanes, package="mice")

# nhanes data in one chain
imp.mi1 <- miceadds::mice.1chain( nhanes, burnin=5, iter=40, Nimp=4,
                 method=rep("norm", 4 ) )
summary(imp.mi1)       # summary of mids.1chain
## Not run: 
plot( imp.mi1 ) # trace plot excluding burnin iterations
plot( imp.mi1, plot.burnin=TRUE ) # trace plot including burnin iterations

# select mids object
imp.mi2 <- imp.mi1$midsobj
summary(imp.mi2)    # summary of mids

# apply mice functionality lm.mids
mod <- with( imp.mi2, stats::lm( bmi ~ age ) )
summary( mice::pool( mod ) )

# EXAMPLE 2: One chain (mixed data: numeric and factor)

data(nhanes2, package="mice")

# nhanes2 data in one chain
imp.mi1 <- miceadds::mice.1chain( nhanes2, burnin=5, iter=25, Nimp=5 )
# summary
summary( imp.mi1$midsobj )

# EXAMPLE 3: Multiple imputation with counterfactuals for estimating
#            causal effects (average treatment effects)
# Schafer, J. L., & Kang, J. (2008). Average causal effects from nonrandomized
#    studies: a practical guide and simulated example.
#    Psychological Methods, 13, 279-313.

dat <- data.ma01[, 4:11]

# define counterfactuals for reading score for students with and
# without migrational background
dat$read.migrant1 <- ifelse( paste(dat$migrant)==1, dat$read, NA )
dat$read.migrant0 <- ifelse( paste(dat$migrant)==0, dat$read, NA )

# define imputation method
impmethod <- rep("pls", ncol(dat) )
names(impmethod) <- colnames(dat)

# define predictor matrix
pm <- 4*(1 - diag( ncol(dat) ) )    # 4 - use all interactions
rownames(pm) <- colnames(pm) <- colnames(dat)
pm[ c( "read.migrant0", "read.migrant1"), ] <- 0
# do not use counterfactuals for 'read' as a predictor
pm[, "read.migrant0"] <- 0
pm[, "read.migrant1"] <- 0
# define control variables for creation of counterfactuals
pm[ c( "read.migrant0", "read.migrant1"), c("hisei","paredu","female","books") ] <- 4
  ##   > pm
  ##                 math read migrant books hisei paredu female urban read.migrant1 read.migrant0
  ##   math             0    4       4     4     4      4      4     4             0             0
  ##   read             4    0       4     4     4      4      4     4             0             0
  ##   migrant          4    4       0     4     4      4      4     4             0             0
  ##   books            4    4       4     0     4      4      4     4             0             0
  ##   hisei            4    4       4     4     0      4      4     4             0             0
  ##   paredu           4    4       4     4     4      0      4     4             0             0
  ##   female           4    4       4     4     4      4      0     4             0             0
  ##   urban            4    4       4     4     4      4      4     0             0             0
  ##   read.migrant1    0    0       0     4     4      4      4     0             0             0
  ##   read.migrant0    0    0       0     4     4      4      4     0             0             0

# imputation using mice function and PLS imputation with
# predictive mean matching method 'pmm6'
imp <- mice::mice( dat, method=impmethod, predictorMatrix=pm,
            maxit=4, m=5, pls.impMethod="pmm5" )

#*** Model 1: Raw score difference
mod1 <- with( imp, stats::lm( read ~ migrant ) )
smod1 <- summary( mice::pool(mod1) )
  ##   > smod1
  ##                  est    se      t     df Pr(>|t|)  lo 95  hi 95 nmis    fmi lambda
  ##   (Intercept) 510.21 1.460 349.37 358.26        0 507.34 513.09   NA 0.1053 0.1004
  ##   migrant     -43.38 3.757 -11.55  62.78        0 -50.89 -35.87  404 0.2726 0.2498

#*** Model 2: ANCOVA - regression adjustment
mod2 <- with( imp, stats::lm( read ~ migrant + hisei + paredu + female + books) )
smod2 <- summary( mice::pool(mod2) )
  ##   > smod2
  ##                    est      se      t      df  Pr(>|t|)    lo 95   hi 95 nmis      fmi   lambda
  ##   (Intercept) 385.1506 4.12027 93.477 3778.66 0.000e+00 377.0725 393.229   NA 0.008678 0.008153
  ##   migrant     -29.1899 3.30263 -8.838   87.46 9.237e-14 -35.7537 -22.626  404 0.228363 0.210917
  ##   hisei         0.9401 0.08749 10.745  160.51 0.000e+00   0.7673   1.113  733 0.164478 0.154132
  ##   paredu        2.9305 0.79081  3.706   41.34 6.190e-04   1.3338   4.527  672 0.339961 0.308780
  ##   female       38.1719 2.26499 16.853 1531.31 0.000e+00  33.7291  42.615    0 0.041093 0.039841
  ##   books        14.0113 0.88953 15.751  154.71 0.000e+00  12.2541  15.768  423 0.167812 0.157123

#*** Model 3a: Estimation using counterfactuals
mod3a <- with( imp, stats::lm( I( read.migrant1 - read.migrant0) ~ 1 ) )
smod3a <- summary( mice::pool(mod3a) )
  ##   > smod3a
  ##                  est    se      t    df Pr(>|t|)  lo 95  hi 95 nmis    fmi lambda
  ##   (Intercept) -22.54 7.498 -3.007 4.315  0.03602 -42.77 -2.311   NA 0.9652 0.9521

#*** Model 3b: Like Model 3a but using student weights
mod3b <- with( imp, stats::lm( I( read.migrant1 - read.migrant0) ~ 1,
                        weights=data.ma01$studwgt ) )
smod3b <- summary( mice::pool(mod3b) )
  ##   > smod3b
  ##                  est    se      t  df Pr(>|t|)  lo 95  hi 95 nmis    fmi lambda
  ##   (Intercept) -21.88 7.605 -2.877 4.3  0.04142 -42.43 -1.336   NA 0.9662 0.9535

#*** Model 4: Average treatment effect on the treated (ATT, migrants)
#             and non-treated (ATN, non-migrants)
mod4 <- with( imp, stats::lm( I( read.migrant1 - read.migrant0) ~ 0 + as.factor( migrant) )   )
smod4 <- summary( mice::pool(mod4) )
  ##   > smod4
  ##                          est    se      t    df Pr(>|t|)  lo 95   hi 95 nmis    fmi lambda
  ##   as.factor(migrant)0 -23.13 8.664 -2.669  4.27 0.052182 -46.59  0.3416   NA 0.9682 0.9562
  ##   as.factor(migrant)1 -19.95 5.198 -3.837 19.57 0.001063 -30.81 -9.0884   NA 0.4988 0.4501
# ATN=-23.13 and ATT=-19.95

## End(Not run)


Some Additional Multiple Imputation Functions, Especially for 'mice'

GPL (>= 2)
Alexander Robitzsch [aut,cre] (<>), Simon Grund [aut] (<>), Thorsten Henke [ctb]
Initial release
2021-01-21 11:48:47

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