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Person fit statistics


personfit calculates the Zh values from Drasgow, Levine and Williams (1985) for unidimensional and multidimensional models, as well as the infit and outfit statistics. The returned object is a data.frame consisting either of the tabulated data or full data with the statistics appended to the rightmost columns.


personfit(x, method = "EAP", Theta = NULL, stats.only = TRUE, ...)



a computed model object of class SingleGroupClass or MultipleGroupClass


type of factor score estimation method. See fscores for more detail


a matrix of factor scores used for statistics that require empirical estimates. If supplied, arguments typically passed to fscores() will be ignored and these values will be used instead


logical; return only the person fit statistics without their associated response pattern?


additional arguments to be passed to fscores()



Chalmers, R., P. (2012). mirt: A Multidimensional Item Response Theory Package for the R Environment. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(6), 1-29. doi: 10.18637/jss.v048.i06

Drasgow, F., Levine, M. V., & Williams, E. A. (1985). Appropriateness measurement with polychotomous item response models and standardized indices. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 38, 67-86.

Reise, S. P. (1990). A comparison of item- and person-fit methods of assessing model-data fit in IRT. Applied Psychological Measurement, 14, 127-137.

Wright B. D. & Masters, G. N. (1982). Rating scale analysis. MESA Press.

See Also


## Not run: 

#make some data
a <- matrix(rlnorm(20),ncol=1)
d <- matrix(rnorm(20),ncol=1)
items <- rep('2PL', 20)
data <- simdata(a,d, 2000, items)

x <- mirt(data, 1)
fit <- personfit(x)

#using precomputed Theta
Theta <- fscores(x, method = 'MAP', full.scores = TRUE)
head(personfit(x, Theta=Theta))

#multiple group Rasch model example
a <- matrix(rep(1, 15), ncol=1)
d <- matrix(rnorm(15,0,.7),ncol=1)
itemtype <- rep('dich', nrow(a))
N <- 1000
dataset1 <- simdata(a, d, N, itemtype)
dataset2 <- simdata(a, d, N, itemtype, sigma = matrix(1.5))
dat <- rbind(dataset1, dataset2)
group <- c(rep('D1', N), rep('D2', N))
models <- 'F1 = 1-15'
mod_Rasch <- multipleGroup(dat, models, itemtype = 'Rasch', group = group)
coef(mod_Rasch, simplify=TRUE)
pf <- personfit(mod_Rasch, method='MAP')

## End(Not run)


Multidimensional Item Response Theory

GPL (>= 3)
Phil Chalmers [aut, cre] (<>), Joshua Pritikin [ctb], Alexander Robitzsch [ctb], Mateusz Zoltak [ctb], KwonHyun Kim [ctb], Carl F. Falk [ctb], Adam Meade [ctb], Lennart Schneider [ctb], David King [ctb], Chen-Wei Liu [ctb], Ogreden Oguzhan [ctb]
Initial release

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