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Risky Transportation Choices


1793 choices by 561 individuals of a transport mode at Freetwon airport


A dataframe containing:

  • id: individual id,

  • choice: 1 for the chosen mode,

  • mode: one of Helicopter,WaterTaxi, Ferry, and Hovercraft',

  • cost: the generalised cost of the transport mode,

  • risk: the fatality rate, numbers of death per 100,000 trips,

  • weight: weights,

  • seats: ,

  • noise: ,

  • crowdness: ,

  • convloc: ,

  • clientele: ,

  • chid: choice situation id,

  • african: yes if born in Africa, no otherwise,

  • lifeExp: declared life expectancy,

  • dwage: declared hourly wage,

  • iwage: imputed hourly wage,

  • educ: level of education, one of low and high,

  • fatalism: self-ranking of the degree of fatalism,

  • gender: gender, one of female and male,

  • age: age,

  • haveChildren: yes if the traveler has children, no otherwise,

  • swim: yes if the traveler knows how to swim, 'no, otherwise.



León G, Miguel E (2017). “Risky Transportation Choices and the Value of a Statistical Life.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9(1), 202-28. doi: 10.1257/app.20160140,


Multinomial Logit Models

GPL (>= 2)
Yves Croissant [aut, cre]
Initial release

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