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Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling (mrds)


This package implements mark-recapture distance sampling methods as described in D.L. Borchers, W. Zucchini and Fewster, R.M. (1988), "Mark-recapture models for line transect surveys", Biometrics 54: 1207-1220. and Laake, J.L. (1999) "Distance sampling with independent observers: Reducing bias from heterogeneity by weakening the conditional independence assumption." in Amstrup, G.W., Garner, S.C., Laake, J.L., Manly, B.F.J., McDonald, L.L. and Robertson, D.G. (eds) "Marine mammal survey and assessment methods", Balkema, Rotterdam: 137-148 and Borchers, D.L., Laake, J.L., Southwell, C. and Paxton, C.L.G. "Accommodating unmodelled heterogeneity in double-observer distance sampling surveys". 2006. Biometrics 62:372-378.)


Examples of distance sampling analyses are available at

For help with distance sampling and this package, there is a Google Group!forum/distance-sampling.


Jeff Laake <>, David Borchers <>, Len Thomas <>, David L. Miller <>, Jon Bishop <>


Mark-Recapture Distance Sampling

GPL (>= 2)
Jeff Laake <>, David Borchers <>, Len Thomas <>, David Miller <> and Jon Bishop
Initial release

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