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Interorganizational Search and Rescue Networks (Drabek et al.)


Drabek et al. (1981) provide seven case studies of emergent multi-organizational networks (EMONs) in the context of search and rescue (SAR) activities. Networks of interaction frequency are reported, along with several organizational attributes.




A list of 7 network objects:

[[1]] Cheyenne network Cheyenne SAR EMON
[[2]] HurrFrederic network Hurricane Frederic SAR EMON
[[3]] LakePomona network Lake Pomona SAR EMON
[[4]] MtSi network Mt. Si SAR EMON
[[5]] MtStHelens network Mt. St. Helens SAR EMON
[[6]] Texas network Texas Hill Country SAR EMON
[[7]] Wichita network Wichita Falls SAR EMON

Each network has one edge attribute:

Frequency numeric Interaction frequency (1-4; 1=most frequent)

Each network also has 8 vertex attributes:

Command.Rank.Score numeric Mean rank in the command structure
Decision.Rank.Score numeric Mean rank in the decision process
Formalization numeric Degree of formalization
Location character Location code
Paid.Staff numeric Number of paid staff
Sponsorship character Sponsorship type
vertex.names character Organization name
Volunteer.Staff numeric Number of volunteer staff


All networks collected by Drabek et al. reflect reported frequency of organizational interaction during the search and rescue effort; the (i,j) edge constitutes i's report regarding interaction with j, with non-adjacent vertices reporting no contact. Frequency is rated on a four-point scale, with 1 indicating the highest frequency of interaction. (Response options: 1=“continuously”, 2=“about once an hour”, 3=“every few hours”, 4=“about once a day or less”) This is stored within the "Frequency" edge attribute.

For each network, several covariates are recorded as vertex attributes:


Mean (reversed) rank for the prominence of each organization in the command structure of the response, as judged by organizational informants.


Mean (reversed) rank for the prominence of each organization in decision making processes during the response, as judged by organizational informants.


An index of organizational formalization, ranging from 0 (least formalized) to 4 (most formalized).


For each organization, "L" if the organization was sited locally to the impact area, "NL" if the organization was not sited near the impact area, "B" if the organization was sited at both local and non-local locations.


Number of paid staff employed by each organization at the time of the response.


The level at which each organization was sponsored (e.g., "City", "County", "State", "Federal", and "Private").


The identity of each organization.


Number of volunteer staff employed by each organization at the time of the response.

Note that where intervals were given by the original source, midpoints have been substituted. For detailed information regarding data coding and procedures, see Drabek et al. (1981).


Drabek, T.E.; Tamminga, H.L.; Kilijanek, T.S.; and Adams, C.R. (1981). Data from Managing Multiorganizational Emergency Responses: Emergent Search and Rescue Networks in Natural Disaster and Remote Area Settings. Program on Technology, Environment, and Man Monograph 33. Institute for Behavioral Science, University of Colorado.

See Also


data(emon)   #Load the emon data set

#Plot the EMONs
for(i in 1:length(emon))


Classes for Relational Data

GPL (>= 2)
Carter T. Butts [aut, cre], David Hunter [ctb], Mark Handcock [ctb], Skye Bender-deMoll [ctb], Jeffrey Horner [ctb], Li Wang [ctb]
Initial release

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