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Package Development Utilities


packageEnv is a slight modification from topenv, which returns the top environment, which in the case of development packages is the environment into which the source files are loaded by load_all.


packageEnv(pkg, skip = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)

topns_name(n = 1L, strict = TRUE, unique = TRUE)

topns(strict = TRUE)

packageName(envir = packageEnv(), .Global = FALSE, rm.prefix = TRUE)

str_ns(envir = packageEnv())

packagePath(..., package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, check = TRUE)

isPackageInstalled(..., lib.loc = NULL)

as_package(x, ..., quiet = FALSE, extract = FALSE)



package name. If missing the environment of the runtime caller package is returned.


a logical that indicates if the calling namespace should be skipped.


logical that toggles verbosity


number of namespaces to return


a logicical that indicates if the global environment should be considered as a valid namespace.


logical that indicates if the result should be reduced to contain only one occurence of each namespace.


environment where to start looking for a package name. The default is to use the runtime calling package environment.


a logical that indicates if calls from the global environment should throw an error (FALSE: default) or the string 'R_GlobalEnv'.


logical that indicates if an eventual prefix 'package:' should be removed from the returned string.


arguments passed to file.path.


optional name of an installed package


path to a library of R packages where to search the package


logical that indicates if an error should be thrown if the path to the package root directory cannot be found. If this is the case and check = FALSE, then the function returns NULL.


package specified by its installation/development path or its name as 'package:*'.


a logical that indicate if an error should be thrown if a package is not found. It is also passed to find.package.


logical that indicates if DESCRIPTION of package source files should be extracted. In this case there will be no valid path.


packageEnv returns an environment

a character string

a character string


  • topns_name: returns the name of the runtime sequence of top namespace(s), i.e. the name of the top calling package(s), from top to bottom.

    The top namespace is is not necessarily the namespace where topns_name is effectively called. This is useful for packages that define functions that need to access the calling namespace, even from calls nested into calls to another function from the same package – in which case topenv would not give the desired environment.

  • topns: returns the runtime top namespace, i.e. the namespace of the top calling package, possibly skipping the namespace where topns is effectively called. This is useful for packages that define functions that need to access the calling namespace, even from calls nested into calls to another function from the same package – in which case topenv would not give the desired environment.

  • packageName: returns the current package's name. It was made internal from version 0.16, since the package utils exported its own packageName function in R-3.0.0.

  • str_ns: formats a package environment/namespace for log/info messages.

  • packagePath: returns the current package's root directory, which is its installation/loading directory in the case of an installed package, or its source directory served by devtools.

  • isPackageInstalled: checks if a package is installed.

  • as_package: an enhanced version of as.package, that is not exported not to mask the original function. It could eventually be incorporated into devtools itself. Extra arguments in ... are passed to find.package.


Development Utilities for R Packages

GPL (>= 2)
Renaud Gaujoux [aut, cre]
Initial release

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