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Utilities for Vignettes


rnw provides a unified interface to run vignettes that detects the type of vignette (Sweave or knitr), and which Sweave driver to use (either automatically or from an embedded command \VignetteDriver command).


rnw(x, file = NULL, ..., raw = FALSE)


as.rnw(x, ..., load = TRUE)

rnwCompiler(x, verbose = TRUE)

rnwWrapper(x, verbose = TRUE)




  package = NULL,
  skip = NULL,
  print = TRUE,
  template = NULL,
  temp = FALSE,
  checkMode = isCHECK() || vignetteCheckMode(),
  user = NULL,
  tests = TRUE

compactVignettes(paths, ...)



vignette source file specification as a path or a rnw object.


output file


extra arguments passed to as.rnw that can be used to force certain building parameters.


a logical that indicates if the raw result for the compilation should be returned, instead of the result file path.


logical to indicate if all the object's properties should loaded, which is done by parsing the file and look up for specific tags.


logical that toggles verbosity


package name. If NULL, a DESRIPTION file is looked for one directory up: this meant to work when building a vignette directly from a package's 'vignettes' sub-directory.


Vignette files to skip (basename).


logical that specifies if the path should be printed or only returned.


template Makefile to use. The default is to use the file “” shipped with the package pkgmaker and can be found in its install root directory.


logical that indicates if the generated makefile should using a temporary filename (TRUE), or simply named “”


logical that indicates if the vignettes should be generated as in a CRAN check (TRUE) or in development mode, in which case pdflatex, bibtex, and, optionally, qpdf are required.


character vector containing usernames that enforce checkMode=TRUE, if the function is called from within their session.


logical that enables the compilation of a vignette that gathers all unit test results. Note that this means that all unit tests are run before generating the vignette. However, unit tests are not (re)-run at this stage when the vignettes are built when checking the package with R CMD check.


A character vector of paths to PDF files, or a length-one character vector naming a directory, when all ‘.pdf’ files in that directory will be used.


  • isManualVignette: tells if a vignette is being run through the function runVignette of pkgmker, allowing disabling behaviours not allowed in package vignettes that are checked vi R CMD check.

  • as.rnw: creates a S3 rnw object that contains information about a vignette, e.g., source filename, driver, fixed included files, etc..

  • rnwCompiler: tries to detect the vignette compiler to use on a vignette source file, e.g., Sweave or knitr.

  • rnwWrapper: tries to detect the type of vignette and if it is meant to be wrapped into another main file.

  • rnwDriver: tries to detect Sweave driver to use on a vignette source file, e.g., SweaveCache, highlight, etc..

  • rnwIncludes: detects fixed includes, e.g., image or pdf files, that are required to build the final document.

  • rnwChildren: detects included vignette documents and return them as a list of vignette objects.

  • vignetteMakefile: returns the path to a generic makefile used to make vignettes.

  • compactVignettes: compacts vignette PDFs using either gs_quality='none' or 'ebook', depending on which compacts best (as per CRAN check criteria).


Development Utilities for R Packages

GPL (>= 2)
Renaud Gaujoux [aut, cre]
Initial release

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