Build a vector of color values
smoothColors calculates a sequence of colors. If two color names in the arguments are separated by a number, that number of interpolated colors will be inserted between the two color endpoints. Any number of color names and integers may be passed, but the last argument must be a color name. If more than one integer appears between two color names, only the first will be used in the interpolation and the others will be ignored.
... |
an arbitrary sequence of color names and integers beginning and ending with a color name. |
alpha |
optional alpha (transparency) value. |
A vector of hexadecimal color values as used by col.
For more R functions that transform numeric values into colors or produce colors that can be used to represent values, see the colourschemes package.
Barry Rowlingson
plot(1:10,main="Test opaque colors",type="n",axes=FALSE) box() rect(1:7,1:7,3:9,3:9,col=smoothColors("red",2,"green",2,"blue"))
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