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Adaptive Numerical Integration


Combines several approaches to adaptive numerical integration of functions of one variable.


integral(fun, xmin, xmax,
         method = c("Kronrod", "Clenshaw","Simpson"),
         no_intervals = 8, random = FALSE,
         reltol = 1e-8, abstol = 0, ...)



integrand, univariate (vectorized) function.


endpoints of the integration interval.


integration procedure, see below.


number of subdivisions at at start.


logical; shall the length of subdivisions be random.


relative tolerance.


absolute tolerance; not used.


additional parameters to be passed to the function.


integral combines the following methods for adaptive numerical integration (also available as separate functions):

  • Kronrod (Gauss-Kronrod)

  • Clenshaw (Clenshaw-Curtis; not yet made adaptive)

  • Simpson (adaptive Simpson)

Recommended default method is Gauss-Kronrod. Also try Clenshaw-Curtis that may be faster at times.

Most methods require that function f is vectorized. This will be checked and the function vectorized if necessary.

By default, the integration domain is subdivided into no_intervals subdomains to avoid 0 results if the support of the integrand function is small compared to the whole domain. If random is true, nodes will be picked randomly, otherwise forming a regular division.

If the interval is infinite, quadinf will be called that accepts the same methods as well. [If the function is array-valued, quadv is called that applies an adaptive Simpson procedure, other methods are ignored – not true anymore.]


Returns the integral, no error terms given.


integral does not provide ‘new’ functionality, everything is already contained in the functions called here. Other interesting alternatives are Gauss-Richardson (quadgr) and Romberg (romberg) integration.


Davis, Ph. J., and Ph. Rabinowitz (1984). Methods of Numerical Integration. Dover Publications, New York.

See Also


##  Very smooth function
fun <- function(x) 1/(x^4+x^2+0.9)
val <- 1.582232963729353
for (m in c("Kron", "Clen", "Simp")) {
    Q <- integral(fun, -1, 1, reltol = 1e-12, method = m)
    cat(m, Q, abs(Q-val), "\n")}
# Kron 1.582233 3.197442e-13 
# Rich 1.582233 3.197442e-13  # use quadgr()
# Clen 1.582233 3.199663e-13 
# Simp 1.582233 3.241851e-13 
# Romb 1.582233 2.555733e-13  # use romberg()

##  Highly oscillating function
fun <- function(x) sin(100*pi*x)/(pi*x)
val <- 0.4989868086930458
for (m in c("Kron", "Clen", "Simp")) {
    Q <- integral(fun, 0, 1, reltol = 1e-12, method = m)
    cat(m, Q, abs(Q-val), "\n")}
# Kron 0.4989868 2.775558e-16 
# Rich 0.4989868 4.440892e-16  # use quadgr()
# Clen 0.4989868 2.231548e-14
# Simp 0.4989868 6.328271e-15 
# Romb 0.4989868 1.508793e-13  # use romberg()

## Evaluate improper integral
fun <- function(x) log(x)^2 * exp(-x^2)
val <- 1.9475221803007815976
Q <- integral(fun, 0, Inf, reltol = 1e-12)
# For infinite domains Gauss integration is applied!
cat(m, Q, abs(Q-val), "\n")
# Kron 1.94752218028062 2.01587635473288e-11 

## Example with small function support
fun <- function(x)
          if (x<=0 || x>=pi) 0 else sin(x)
Fun <- Vectorize(fun)
integral(fun, -100, 100, no_intervals = 1)  # 0
integral(Fun, -100, 100, no_intervals = 1)  # 0
integral(fun, -100, 100, random=FALSE)      # 2.00000000371071
integral(fun, -100, 100, random=TRUE)       # 2.00000000340142
integral(Fun, -1000, 1000, random=FALSE)    # 2.00000000655435
integral(Fun, -1000, 1000, random=TRUE)     # 2.00000001157690 (sometimes 0 !)


Practical Numerical Math Functions

GPL (>= 3)
Hans W. Borchers [aut, cre]
Initial release

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