Simulated Data for fitting a 3PL and 3PLu
Simulated responses of 10000 persons to 10 dichotomous items under two different simulation conditions.
data("Sim3PL", package = "psychotools")
A data frame containing 10000 observations on 2 variables.
Item response matrix with 10 items (see details below).
Item response matrix with 10 items (see details below).
Data were simulated under the 3PL (resp
) and 3PLu (resp2
) (see
). For the 3PL scenario, the random number generator's
seed was set to 277. For the 3PLu scenario, the random number generator's seed
was set to 167. Person parameters θ_{i} of 10000 persons were drawn
from the standard normal distribution. Item difficulties b_{j} of 10
items (under the classical IRT parametrization) were drawn from the standard
normal distribution. Item discrimination parameters a_{j} were drawn
from a log-normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a variance of
0.0625 on the log scale. For the 3PL, guessing parameters
g_{j} were drawn from a uniform distribution with a lower limit of
0.1 and an upper limit of 0.2. For the 3PLu, upper asymptote
parameters u_{j} were drawn from a uniform distribution with a lower
limit of 0.8 and an upper limit of 0.9. In both scenarios, a
10000 x 10 matrix based on realizations of a uniform distribution
with a lower limit of 0 and an upper limit of 1 was generated and
compared to a 10000 x 10 matrix based on the probability function
under the respective model. If the probability of person i solving item
j exceeded the corresponding realization of the uniform distribution,
this cell of the matrix was set to 1, e.g., person i solved item
## overview data("Sim3PL", package = "psychotools") str(Sim3PL) ## data generation M <- 10000 N <- 10 ## 3PL scenario set.seed(277) theta <- rnorm(M, 0, 1) a <- rlnorm(N, 0, 0.25) b <- rnorm(N, 0, 1) g <- runif(N, 0.1, 0.2) u <- rep(1, N) probs <- matrix(g, M, N, byrow = TRUE) + matrix(u - g, M, N, byrow = TRUE) * plogis(matrix(a, M, N, byrow = TRUE) * outer(theta, b, "-")) resp <- (probs > matrix(runif(M * N, 0, 1), M, N)) + 0 all.equal(resp, Sim3PL$resp, check.attributes = FALSE) ## 3PLu scenario set.seed(167) theta <- rnorm(M, 0, 1) a <- rlnorm(N, 0, 0.25) b <- rnorm(N, 0, 1) g <- rep(0, N) u <- runif(N, 0.8, 0.9) probs <- matrix(g, M, N, byrow = TRUE) + matrix(u - g, M, N, byrow = TRUE) * plogis(matrix(a, M, N, byrow = TRUE) * outer(theta, b, "-")) resp2 <- (probs > matrix(runif(M * N, 0, 1), M, N)) + 0 all.equal(resp2, Sim3PL$resp2, check.attributes = FALSE)
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