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Partial apply a function, filling in some arguments.


Partial function application allows you to modify a function by pre-filling some of the arguments. It is particularly useful in conjunction with functionals and other function operators.

Note that an argument can only be partialised once.


partial(.f, ..., .env = NULL, .lazy = NULL, .first = NULL)



a function. For the output source to read well, this should be a named function.


named arguments to .f that should be partially applied.

Pass an empty ... = argument to specify the position of future arguments relative to partialised ones. See rlang::call_modify() to learn more about this syntax.

These dots support quasiquotation and quosures. If you unquote a value, it is evaluated only once at function creation time. Otherwise, it is evaluated each time the function is called.


Soft-deprecated as of purrr 0.3.0. The environments are now captured via quosures.


Soft-deprecated as of purrr 0.3.0. Please unquote the arguments that should be evaluated once at function creation time.


Soft-deprecated as of purrr 0.3.0. Please pass an empty argument ... = to specify the position of future arguments.


# Partial is designed to replace the use of anonymous functions for
# filling in function arguments. Instead of:
compact1 <- function(x) discard(x, is.null)

# we can write:
compact2 <- partial(discard, .p = is.null)

# partial() works fine with functions that do non-standard
# evaluation
my_long_variable <- 1:10
plot2 <- partial(plot, my_long_variable)
plot2(runif(10), type = "l")

# Note that you currently can't partialise arguments multiple times:
my_mean <- partial(mean, na.rm = TRUE)
my_mean <- partial(my_mean, na.rm = FALSE)

# The evaluation of arguments normally occurs "lazily". Concretely,
# this means that arguments are repeatedly evaluated across invocations:
f <- partial(runif, n = rpois(1, 5))

# You can unquote an argument to fix it to a particular value.
# Unquoted arguments are evaluated only once when the function is created:
f <- partial(runif, n = !!rpois(1, 5))

# By default, partialised arguments are passed before new ones:
my_list <- partial(list, 1, 2)

# Control the position of these arguments by passing an empty
# `... = ` argument:
my_list <- partial(list, 1, ... = , 2)


Functional Programming Tools

GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], RStudio [cph, fnd]
Initial release

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