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Quantile Regression Fitting via Interior Point Methods


This is a lower level routine called by rq() to compute quantile regression parameters using the Frisch-Newton algorithm. In contrast to method "fn" it computes solutions for all the specified taus inside a fortran loop. See for further details on a more efficient preprocessing method.

Usage, y, tau)



The design matrix


The response vector


The quantiles of interest, must lie in (0,1), be sorted and preferably equally spaced.


The details of the Frisch-Newton algorithm are explained in Koenker and Portnoy (1997). The basic idea can be traced back to the log-barrier methods proposed by Frisch in the 1950's for linear programming. But the current implementation is based on proposals by Mehrotra and others in the recent (explosive) literature on interior point methods for solving linear programming problems. This function replaces an earlier one, which required the initial dual values to be feasible. The current version allows the user to specify an infeasible starting point for the dual problem, that is one that may not satisfy the dual equality constraints. It still assumes that the starting value satisfies the upper and lower bounds.


returns a list with elements consisting of

  1. coefficientsa matrix of dimension ncol(x) by length(taus)

  2. nit a 3-vector of iteration counts

  3. info a convergence flag


Koenker, R. and S. Portnoy (1997). The Gaussian Hare and the Laplacian Tortoise: Computability of squared-error vs. absolute-error estimators, with discussion, Statistical Science, 12, 279-300.

See Also


Quantile Regression

GPL (>= 2)
Roger Koenker [cre, aut], Stephen Portnoy [ctb] (Contributions to Censored QR code), Pin Tian Ng [ctb] (Contributions to Sparse QR code), Blaise Melly [ctb] (Contributions to preprocessing code), Achim Zeileis [ctb] (Contributions to dynrq code essentially identical to his dynlm code), Philip Grosjean [ctb] (Contributions to nlrq code), Cleve Moler [ctb] (author of several linpack routines), Yousef Saad [ctb] (author of sparskit2), Victor Chernozhukov [ctb] (contributions to extreme value inference code), Ivan Fernandez-Val [ctb] (contributions to extreme value inference code), Brian D Ripley [trl, ctb] (Initial (2001) R port from S (to my everlasting shame -- how could I have been so slow to adopt R!) and for numerous other suggestions and useful advice)
Initial release

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