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Read and write bibtex files


Read and write bibtex files.


readBib(file, encoding = NULL, ..., direct = FALSE, 
        texChars = c("keep", "convert", "export"))

writeBib(object, con = stdout(), append = FALSE)



name or path to the file, a character string.


the encoding of file, a character string.


If TRUE parse 'file' directly to bibentry, otherwise convert first to intermediate XML, then to bibentry.


What to do with characters represented by TeX commands (for example, accented Latin charaters? If "export", export as TeX escapes when possible. If "convert", convert to the target encoding. If "keep", output the characters as they were in the input file, like "export", but don't convert normal characters to TeX escapes.


a bibentry object.


filename (a character string) or a text connection


if TRUE append to the file.


Not used and throws error to avoid silently ignoring unknown arguments.


readBib is wrapper around bibConvert for import of bibtex files into bibentry objects.

If direct = FALSE, the bibtex file is converted first to XML intermediate, then the XML file is converted to bibentry. The advantage of this is that it gives a standardised representation of the bibtex input. Fields that cannot be mapped to the intermediate format are generally omitted.

If direct = TRUE the input file is converted directly to bibentry, without the XML intermediate step. This means that non-standard fields in the bib entries are preserved in the bibentry object.

Argument texChars, currently implemented only for the case direct = TRUE, gives some control over the processing of TeX sequences representing characters (such as accented Latin characters): If it is "keep" (the default), such sequences are kept as in the input. "convert" causes them to be converted to the characters they represent. Finally, "export" exports characters as TeX sequences, whenever possible.

The difference between "keep" and "export" is that "keep" does not convert normal characters to TeX escapes, while "export" does it if possible. For example, if the input file contains the TeX sequence \"o representing the letter o-umlaut, "keep" and "export" will keep it as TeX sequence, while "convert" will convert it to the character o-umlaut in the output encoding (normally UTF-8). On the othe hand, if the input file contains the character o-umlaut, then "keep" and "convert" will convert it to the output encoding of o-umlaut, while "export" will export it as \"o.

Note that "convert" converts also a large number of mathematical symbols (such as "\alpha") to the target encoding (UTF-8), which may or may not be desirable. Also, some mathematical formulas may cause surprises.

Currently, texChars = "export" does not process properly mathematical formulas.

writeBib writes a bibentry object to a bibtex file.


for readBib, a bibentry object

for writeBib, the bibentry object (invisibly)


Georgi N. Boshnakov

See Also

readBibentry and writeBibentry for import/export to R code.


## create a bibentry object
bibs <- readBib(system.file("REFERENCES.bib", package = "rbibutils"),
                encoding = "UTF-8")
## write bibs to a file
fn <- tempfile(fileext = ".bib")
writeBib(bibs, fn)

## see the contents of the file
readLines(fn) # or:

## a dummy reference with accented characters
## (in the file some are uft8, others are TeX escapes)
bibacc <- system.file("bib/latin1accents_utf8.bib", package = "rbibutils")

## export as UTF-8 characters
## this will print as true characters in suitable locale:
be <- readBib(bibacc, direct = TRUE, texChars = "convert")
print(be, style = "R")
print(be, style = "bibtex")
## compare to the input file:

be1 <- readBib(bibacc, direct = TRUE)
be1a <- readBib(bibacc, direct = TRUE, texChars = "keep") # same
print(be1, style = "R")
print(be1, style = "bibtex")

## export as TeX escapes, when possible
be2 <- readBib(bibacc, direct = TRUE, texChars = "export") ## same
print(be2, style = "R")
print(be2, style = "bibtex")

## "convert" converts to characters
## a lot of TeX commands representing symbols
be3 <- readBib(bibacc, direct = TRUE, texChars = "convert")
## be3
print(be3, style = "R")
## print(be3, style = "bibtex")



Convert Between Bibliography Formats

Georgi N. Boshnakov [aut, cre] (R port, R code, modifications to bibutils' C code, conversion to Bibentry (R and C code)), Chris Putman [aut] (src/*, author of the bibutils libraries,, Richard Mathar [ctb] (src/addsout.c), Johannes Wilm [ctb] (src/biblatexin.c, src/bltypes.c)
Initial release

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