High Precision Calibration
Only basic support (not 100% identical results) for Bruker Daltonics' HPC.
HPC stands for High Precision Calibration.
This is an internal function and should normally not used by the user.
.hpc(mass, minMass, maxMass, hpcCoefficients)
mass |
minMass |
maxMass |
hpcCoefficients |
Bruker Daltonics doesn't explain how HPC works. All formula are results of
“trial and error”. That is why mass calculated by .hpc
differs little from original HPC mass.
(In example file 214 of 24860 mass are incorrect;
deviations: min: 6.103515625e-05, max: 0.02935791015625.)
In the manual of mass spectrometry instruments of Bruker Daltonics machines
the *flex series you can find an article about HPC principles:
Gobom, J. and Mueller, M. and Egelhofer V. and Theiss, D. and
Lehrach, H. and Nordhoff, E. (2002)
“A Calibration Method That Simplifies and Improves Accurate
Determination of Peptide Molecular mass by MALDI-TOF MS.”,
Anal Chem 74: 3915-3923
A vector of HPC corrected mass (double
Please note that .hpc is not correct! You have been warned.
Gobom, J. and Mueller, M. and Egelhofer V. and Theiss, D. and
Lehrach, H. and Nordhoff, E. (2002)
“A Calibration Method That Simplifies and Improves Accurate
Determination of Peptide Molecular mass by MALDI-TOF MS.”,
Anal Chem 74: 3915-3923
## load library library("readBrukerFlexData") ## get examples directory exampleDirectory <- system.file("Examples", package="readBrukerFlexData") ## read example spectra ## please note: filterZeroIntensities=TRUE is used for compatibility reasons. ## You should NOT use it! noHpcSpec <- readBrukerFlexFile(file.path(exampleDirectory, "hpc/fid/0_A20/1/1SRef/fid"), filterZeroIntensities=TRUE, useHpc=FALSE) hpcSpec <- readBrukerFlexFile(file.path(exampleDirectory, "hpc/fid/0_A20/1/1SRef/fid"), filterZeroIntensities=TRUE) ## plot spectrum plot(noHpcSpec$spectrum$mass, noHpcSpec$spectrum$intensity, type="l", col="red", xlim=c(1296, 1300)) lines(hpcSpec$spectrum$mass, hpcSpec$spectrum$intensity, type="l", col="green", xlim=c(1296, 1300)) legend(x="topright", legend=c("no hpc", "hpc"), col=c("red", "green"), lwd=1) ## show difference between .hpc and original HPC ## load mzXML generated by Bruker Daltonics CompassXport 1.3.5 ## you could do it like this: #library("readMzXmlData") #cpSpecHpcMzXml <- readMzXmlFile(file.path(exampleDirectory, # "hpc/mzXML/hpc.mzXML")) ## or easily use: data(cpSpecHpcMzXml) ## reduce R double precision to single precision because our CompassXport 1.3.5 ## supports only mzXML with precision=32 (only for compatibility reasons) noHpcSpec$spectrum$mass32 <- readBrukerFlexData:::.double2singlePrecision(noHpcSpec$spectrum$mass) hpcSpec$spectrum$mass32 <- readBrukerFlexData:::.double2singlePrecision(hpcSpec$spectrum$mass) ## calculate deviance d <- noHpcSpec$spectrum$mass32-cpSpecHpcMzXml$spectrum$mass dHPC <- hpcSpec$spectrum$mass32-cpSpecHpcMzXml$spectrum$mass ## a little summary cat("without .hpc:\n", "not matching: ", length(cpSpecHpcMzXml$spectrum$mass[d!=0]), " of ", length(cpSpecHpcMzXml$spectrum$mass), "; range: ", range(abs(d[d!=0])), "\nwith .hpc:\n", "not matching: ", length(cpSpecHpcMzXml$spectrum$mass[dHPC!=0]), " of ", length(cpSpecHpcMzXml$spectrum$mass), "; range: ", range(abs(d[dHPC!=0])), "\n") ## ## doing things manually ## hpcMass <- readBrukerFlexData:::.hpc(mass=noHpcSpec$spectrum$mass, minMass=noHpcSpec$metaData$hpc$limits["minMass"], maxMass=noHpcSpec$metaData$hpc$limits["maxMass"], hpcCoefficients=noHpcSpec$metaData$hpc$coefficients)
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