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Create locales


A locale object tries to capture all the defaults that can vary between countries. You set the locale in once, and the details are automatically passed on down to the columns parsers. The defaults have been chosen to match R (i.e. US English) as closely as possible. See vignette("locales") for more details.


  date_names = "en",
  date_format = "%AD",
  time_format = "%AT",
  decimal_mark = ".",
  grouping_mark = ",",
  tz = "UTC",
  encoding = "UTF-8",
  asciify = FALSE




Character representations of day and month names. Either the language code as string (passed on to date_names_lang()) or an object created by date_names().

date_format, time_format

Default date and time formats.

decimal_mark, grouping_mark

Symbols used to indicate the decimal place, and to chunk larger numbers. Decimal mark can only be , or ..


Default tz. This is used both for input (if the time zone isn't present in individual strings), and for output (to control the default display). The default is to use "UTC", a time zone that does not use daylight savings time (DST) and hence is typically most useful for data. The absence of time zones makes it approximately 50x faster to generate UTC times than any other time zone.

Use "" to use the system default time zone, but beware that this will not be reproducible across systems.

For a complete list of possible time zones, see OlsonNames(). Americans, note that "EST" is a Canadian time zone that does not have DST. It is not Eastern Standard Time. It's better to use "US/Eastern", "US/Central" etc.


Default encoding. This only affects how the file is read - readr always converts the output to UTF-8.


Should diacritics be stripped from date names and converted to ASCII? This is useful if you're dealing with ASCII data where the correct spellings have been lost. Requires the stringi package.



# South American locale
locale("es", decimal_mark = ",")


Read Rectangular Text Data

GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE
Hadley Wickham [aut], Jim Hester [aut, cre], Romain Francois [ctb], R Core Team [ctb] (Date time code adapted from R), RStudio [cph, fnd], Jukka Jylänki [ctb, cph] (grisu3 implementation), Mikkel Jørgensen [ctb, cph] (grisu3 implementation)
Initial release

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