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Invoke a function with a list of arguments


Soft-deprecated lifecycle

Normally, you invoke a R function by typing arguments manually. A powerful alternative is to call a function with a list of arguments assembled programmatically. This is the purpose of invoke().


invoke(.fn, .args = list(), ..., .env = caller_env(), .bury = c(".fn", ""))



A function to invoke. Can be a function object or the name of a function in scope of .env.

.args, ...

List of arguments (possibly named) to be passed to .fn.


The environment in which to call .fn.


A character vector of length 2. The first string specifies which name should the function have in the call recorded in the evaluation stack. The second string specifies a prefix for the argument names. Set .bury to NULL if you prefer to inline the function and its arguments in the call.


Technically, invoke() is basically a version of that creates cleaner call traces because it does not inline the function and the arguments in the call (see examples). To achieve this, invoke() creates a child environment of .env with .fn and all arguments bound to new symbols (see env_bury()). It then uses the same strategy as eval_bare() to evaluate with minimal noise.

Life cycle

invoke() is soft-deprecated in favour of exec(). Now that we understand better the interaction between unquoting and dots capture, we can take a simpler approach in exec().

If you need finer control over the generated call, you should construct an environment and call yourself, manually burying large objects or complex expressions.


# invoke() has the same purpose as
invoke(paste, letters)

# But it creates much cleaner calls:
invoke(call_inspect, mtcars)

# and stacktraces:
fn <- function(...) sys.calls()
invoke(fn, list(mtcars))

# Compare to, mtcars), list(mtcars))

# Specify the function name either by supplying a string
# identifying the function (it should be visible in .env):
invoke("call_inspect", letters)

# Or by changing the .bury argument, with which you can also change
# the argument prefix:
invoke(call_inspect, mtcars, .bury = c("inspect!", "col"))


Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features

Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], mikefc [cph] (Hash implementation based on Mike's xxhashlite), Yann Collet [cph] (Author of the embedded xxHash library), RStudio [cph]
Initial release

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