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Data pronouns for tidy evaluation


These pronouns allow you to be explicit about where to find objects when programming with data masked functions.

m <- 10
mtcars %>% mutate(disp = .data$disp * .env$m)
  • .data retrieves data-variables from the data frame.

  • .env retrieves env-variables from the environment.

Because the lookup is explicit, there is no ambiguity between both kinds of variables. Compare:

disp <- 10
mtcars %>% mutate(disp = .data$disp * .env$disp)
mtcars %>% mutate(disp = disp * disp)

The .data object exported from rlang is also useful to import in your package namespace to avoid a R CMD check note when referring to objects from the data mask.

Note that .data is only a pronoun, it is not a real data frame. This means that you can't take its names or map a function over the contents of .data. Similarly, .env is not an actual R environment. For instance, it doesn't have a parent and the subsetting operators behave differently.





Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features

Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham [aut], mikefc [cph] (Hash implementation based on Mike's xxhashlite), Yann Collet [cph] (Author of the embedded xxHash library), RStudio [cph]
Initial release

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