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Find the pandoc executable


Searches for the pandoc executable in a few places and use the highest version found, unless a specific version is requested.


find_pandoc(cache = TRUE, dir = NULL, version = NULL)



Whether to search for pandoc again if a Pandoc directory containing the pandoc executable of the expected version (if provided) has been found previously. Search again if cache = FALSE.


A character vector of potential directory paths under which pandoc may be found. If not provided, this function searches for pandoc from the environment variable RSTUDIO_PANDOC (the RStudio IDE will set this variable to the directory of Pandoc bundled with the IDE), the environment variable PATH, and the directory ‘~/opt/pandoc/’.


The version of Pandoc to look for (e.g., ""). If not provided, this function searches for the highest version under the potential directories.


A list containing the directory and version of Pandoc (if found).


Usually you do not need to install Pandoc if you use the RStudio IDE, because the IDE has bundled a version of Pandoc. If you have installed a version of Pandoc by yourself and want to use this version instead, you may use the dir argument of this function.


rmarkdown::find_pandoc(dir = '~/Downloads/Pandoc')
rmarkdown::find_pandoc(version = '2.7.3')


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