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The 'rmsb' package.


Regression Modeling Strategies Bayesian

The rmsb package is an appendage to the rms package that implements Bayesian regression models whose fit objects can be processed by rms functions such as contrast, summary, Predict, nomogram, and latex. The fitting function currently implemented in the package is blrm for Bayesian logistic binary and ordinal regression with optional clustering, censoring, and departures from the proportional odds assumption using the partial proportional odds model of Peterson and Harrell (1990).


Stan Development Team (2020). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.19.3.

See Also


Bayesian Regression Modeling Strategies

GPL (>= 3)
Frank Harrell [aut, cre] (<>), Ben Goodrich [ctb] (contributed Stan code), Ben Bolker [ctb] (wrote original code that is folded into the pdensityContour function), Doug Bates [ctb] (write original code for highest posterior density interval that is folded into the HPDint function)
Initial release

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