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Extracting RNG Settings from Computation Result Objects


getRNG1 is an S4 generic that returns the initial RNG settings used for computing an object. For example, in the case of results from multiple model fits, it would return the RNG settings used to compute the first fit.


getRNG1(object, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'ANY'
getRNG1(object, ...)



an R object.


extra arguments to allow extension.


getRNG1 is defined to provide separate access to the RNG settings as they were at the very beginning of a whole computation, which might differ from the RNG settings returned by getRNG, that allows to reproduce the result only.

Think of a sequence of separate computations, from which only one result is used for the result (e.g. the one that maximizes a likelihood): getRNG1 would return the RNG settings to reproduce the complete sequence of computations, while getRNG would return the RNG settings necessary to reproduce only the computation whose result has maximum likelihood.

Methods (by class)

  • ANY: Default method that is identical to getRNG(object, ...).


Utility Functions for Working with Random Number Generators

Renaud Gaujoux [aut, cre], Max Kuhn [ctb]
Initial release

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