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Class "functionXal" of Functionals (of Psi-like functions)


The class "functionXal" is a class of functionals (typically integrals) typically of functionX functions.

Since the functionX functions typically also depend on tuning parameters, objects of this class ("functionXal") are functions of these tuning parameters.



Directly extends class "function".


Class "function", from data part. Class "OptionalFunction", by class "function". Class "PossibleMethod", by class "function".

See Also

psiFunc() and the class definitions of functionX and psi_func which has several functionXal slots.


Basic Robust Statistics

GPL (>= 2)
Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Peter Rousseeuw [ctb] (Qn and Sn), Christophe Croux [ctb] (Qn and Sn), Valentin Todorov [aut] (most robust Cov), Andreas Ruckstuhl [aut] (nlrob, anova, glmrob), Matias Salibian-Barrera [aut] (lmrob orig.), Tobias Verbeke [ctb, fnd] (mc, adjbox), Manuel Koller [aut] (mc, lmrob, psi-func.), Eduardo L. T. Conceicao [aut] (MM-, tau-, CM-, and MTL- nlrob), Maria Anna di Palma [ctb] (initial version of Comedian)
Initial release

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