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Robust Tau-Estimate of Scale


Computes the robust τ-estimate of univariate scale, as proposed by Maronna and Zamar (2002); improved by a consistency factor,


scaleTau2(x, c1 = 4.5, c2 = 3.0, na.rm = FALSE, consistency = TRUE,
          sigma0 = median(x.), mu.too = FALSE)



numeric vector


non-negative numbers, specifying cutoff values for the biweighting of the mean and the rho function respectively.


a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


logical indicating if the consistency correction factor (for the scale) should be applied.


the initial scale estimate s0, defaulting to the MAD; may be set to a positive value when the MAD is zero.


logical indicating if both location and scale should be returned or just the scale (when mu.too=FALSE as by default).


First, s0 := MAD, i.e. the equivalent of mad(x, constant=1) is computed. Robustness weights w_i := w_{c1}((x_i - med(X))/ s_0) are computed, where w_c(u) = max(0, (1 - (u/c)^2)^2). The robust location measure is defined as μ(X) := (∑_i w_i x_i)/(∑_i w_i), and the robust tau-estimate is s(X)^2 := s_0^2 * (1/n) ∑_i ρ_{c2}((x_i - μ(X))/s_0), where ρ_c(u) = min(c^2, u^2).
scaleTau2(*, consistency=FALSE) returns s(X), whereas this value is divided by its asymptotic limit when consistency = TRUE as by default.

Note that for n = length(x) == 2, all equivariant scale estimates are proportional, and specifically, scaleTau2(x, consistency=FALSE) == mad(x, constant=1). See also the reference.


numeric vector of length one (if mu.too is FALSE as by default) or two (when mu.too = TRUE) with robust scale or (location,scale) estimators s^(x) or (m^(x), s^(x)).


Original by Kjell Konis with substantial modifications by Martin Maechler.


Maronna, R.A. and Zamar, R.H. (2002) Robust estimates of location and dispersion of high-dimensional datasets; Technometrics 44(4), 307–317.

Yohai, V.J., and Zamar, R.H. (1988). High breakdown-point estimates of regression by means of the minimization of an efficient scale. Journal of the American Statistical Association 83, 406–413.

See Also

Sn, Qn, mad; further covOGK for which scaleTau2 was designed.


x <- c(1:7, 1000)
sd(x) # non-robust std.deviation
scaleTau2(x, mu.too = TRUE)

if(doExtras <- robustbase:::doExtras()) {
 ## show how much faster this is, compared to Qn
 x <- sample(c(rnorm(1e6), rt(5e5, df=3)))
 (system.time(Qx <- Qn(x)))         ## 2.04 [2017-09, lynne]
 (system.time(S2x <- scaleTau2(x))) ## 0.25    (ditto)
 cbind(Qn = Qx, sTau2 = S2x)
}##       Qn    sTau2
##  1.072556 1.071258


Basic Robust Statistics

GPL (>= 2)
Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Peter Rousseeuw [ctb] (Qn and Sn), Christophe Croux [ctb] (Qn and Sn), Valentin Todorov [aut] (most robust Cov), Andreas Ruckstuhl [aut] (nlrob, anova, glmrob), Matias Salibian-Barrera [aut] (lmrob orig.), Tobias Verbeke [ctb, fnd] (mc, adjbox), Manuel Koller [aut] (mc, lmrob, psi-func.), Eduardo L. T. Conceicao [aut] (MM-, tau-, CM-, and MTL- nlrob), Maria Anna di Palma [ctb] (initial version of Comedian)
Initial release

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