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RTLFile objects


A RTLFile object is the base class for classes representing files accessible with rtracklayer. It wraps a resource (either a path, URL or connection). We can represent a list of RTLFile objects with a RTLFileList.

Accessor Methods

In the code snippets below, x represents a RTLFile object.

path(x): Gets the path, as a character vector, to the resource represented by the RTLFile object, if possible.

resource(x): Gets the low-level resource, either a character vector (a path or URL) or a connection.

fileFormat(x): Gets a string identifying the file format. Can also be called directly on a character file path, in which case it uses a heuristic based on the file extension.


as.character(x): Returns the path of the file as a character vector.

Related functions

FileForFormat(path, format = file_ext(path)): Determines the file type of path and returns a high-level file object such as BamFile, BEDFile, BigWigFile etc..


Michael Lawrence

See Also

Implementing classes include: BigWigFile, TwoBitFile, BEDFile, GFFFile, and WIGFile.


R interface to genome annotation files and the UCSC genome browser

Artistic-2.0 + file LICENSE
Michael Lawrence, Vince Carey, Robert Gentleman
Initial release

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