Scale Functions for Visualization
Graphical scales map data to aesthetics, and provide methods for automatically determining breaks and labels for axes and legends.
Mutable ranges
Modify colour transparency
Area palettes (continuous)
Arc-sin square root transformation
Arc-tangent transformation
Box-Cox & modulus transformations
Automatic breaks for numeric axes
Breaks for log axes
Pretty breaks for date/times
Equally spaced breaks
Colour Brewer palette (discrete)
Compute breaks for continuous scale
Modify standard R colour in hcl colour space.
Colour mapping
Fast colour interpolation
Continuous scale
Regularly spaced dates
Transformation for dates (class Date)
Demonstrate scales functions with ggplot2 code
Dichromat (colour-blind) palette (discrete)
Diverging colour gradient (continuous).
Discrete scale
Exponential transformation (inverse of log transformation)
Expand a range with a multiplicative or additive constant
Label using format()
Generate sequence of fixed size intervals covering range.
Arbitrary colour gradient palette (continuous)
Grey scale palette (discrete)
Transformation for times (class hms)
Hue palette (discrete)
Identity palette
Identity transformation (do nothing)
Label bytes (1 kb, 2 MB, etc)
Label date/times
Label currencies ($100, $2.50, etc)
Label numbers in decimal format (e.g. 0.12, 1,234)
Label numbers, avoiding scientific notation where possible
Label numbers with SI prefixes (2k, 1M, 5T etc)
Label ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc)
Label with mathematical annotations
Label percentages (2.5%, 50%, etc)
Label p-values (e.g. <0.001, 0.25, p >= 0.99)
Label numbers with scientific notation (e.g. 1e05, 1.5e-02)
Label strings by wrapping across multiple lines
Line type palette (discrete)
Log transformations
Manual palette (discrete)
Minor breaks
Mute standard colour
A low-level numeric formatter
Older interface to label_bytes()
Out of bounds handling
Probability transformation
Reciprocal transformation
Rescale continuous vector to have specified minimum and maximum
Rescale numeric vector to have specified maximum
Rescale vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum
Don't perform rescaling
Rescale palette (continuous)
Reverse transformation
scales: Scale Functions for Visualization
Sequential colour gradient palette (continuous)
Shape palette (discrete)
Show colours
Square-root transformation
Transformation for date-times (class POSIXt)
Train (update) a continuous scale
Train (update) a discrete scale
Pretty breaks on transformed scale
Format labels after transformation
Create a new transformation object
Compute range of transformed values
Unit labels
Viridis palette
Yeo-Johnson transformation
Determine if range of vector is close to zero, with a specified tolerance
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