Measurement Instrument for the Corporate Reputation Model
The data set is used as measurement instrument for corporate reputation.
A data frame with 344 rows and 46 variables:
A categorical variable for the service provider: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
A categorical variable for the service type: 1=Prepaid plan (n=125); 2=Contract plan (n=219).
The company behaves in a socially conscious way.
The company is forthright in giving information to the public.
The company has a fair attitude toward competitors.
The company is concerned about the preservation of the environment.
The company is not only concerned about the profits.
Please assess the extent to which the company acts in socially conscious ways 0 (not at all) to 7 (definitely).
The company is succesful in attracting high-quality employees.
I could see myself working at the company.
I like the physical appearance of the company/buildings/shops, etc.
Please assess the company’s overall attractiveness; 0=very low; 7=very high.
The company is a very well managed company.
The company is an economically stable company.
The business risk for the company is modest compared to its competitors.
The company has growth potential.
The company has a clear vision about the future of the company.
Please assess the company’s overall performance; 0=very low; 7=very high.
The products/services offered by the company are of high quality.
The company is an innovator, rather than an imitator with respect to industry.
The company's services/products offer good quality for money.
The services the company offered are good.
Customer concerns are held in high regard at the company.
The company is a reliable partner for customers.
The company is a trustworthy company.
I have a lot of respect for the company.
Please assess the overall quality of the company’s activities; 0=very low; 7=very high.
The company is a copany that I can better identify with than other companies.
The company is a company that I would regret more not having if it no longer existed than other companies.
I regard the company as a likeable company.
The company is a top competitor in its market.
As far as I know, the company is recognized worldwide.
I believe that the company performs at a premium level.
I would recommend the company to friends and relatives.
If I had to choose again, I would choose the company as my mobile phone services provider.
I will remain a customer of the company in the future.
I am satisfied with company.
Categorical for education.
Categorical for type of occupation.
Multi Group Analysis 1.
Multi Group Analysis 2.
Multi Group Analysis 3.
Multi Group Analysis 4.
It takes me a great deal of time to switch to another company.
It costs me too much to switch to another company.
It takes a lot of effort to get used to a new company with its specific "rules" and practices.
In general, it would be a hassle switching to another company.
The data frame mobi contains the observed data for the model specified by Corporate Reputation.
Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., and Sarstedt, M. (2017). A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (2nd ed.). Thousand Oakes, CA: Sage.
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