Predict_pls performs either k-fold or LOOCV on a SEMinR PLS model and generates predictions
uses cross-validation to generate in-sample and out-sample predictions for PLS models generated by SEMinR.
predict_pls(model, technique, noFolds, reps, cores)
model |
A SEMinR model that has been estimated on the FULL dataset. |
technique |
The predictive technique to be employed, Earliest Antecedents (EA) |
noFolds |
The required number of folds to use in k-fold cross validation. If NULL, then parallel LOOCV will be executed. Default is NULL. |
reps |
The number of times the cross-validation will be repeated. Default is NULL. |
cores |
The number of cores to use for parallel LOOCV processing. If k-fold is used, the process will not be parallelized. |
This function generates cross-validated in-sample and out-sample predictions for PLS models generated by SEMinR. The cross validation technique can be k-fold if a number of folds are specified, or leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV) if no folds arew specified. LOOCV is recommended for small datasets.
A list of the estimated PLS and LM prediction results:
PLS_out_of_sample |
A matrix of the out-of-sample indicator predictions generated by the SEMinR model. |
PLS_in_sample |
A matrix of the in-sample indicator predictions generated by the SEMinR model. |
lm_out_of_sample |
A matrix of the out-of-sample indicator predictions generated by a linear regression model. |
lm_in_sample |
A matrix of the in-sample indicator predictions generated by a linear regression model. |
item_actuals |
A matrix of the actual indicator scores. |
PLS_out_of_sample_residuals |
A matrix of the out-of-sample indicator PLS prediction residuals. |
PLS_in_sample_residuals |
A matrix of the in-sample indicator PLS prediction residuals. |
lm_out_of_sample_residuals |
A matrix of the out-of-sample LM indicator prediction residuals. |
lm_in_sample_residuals |
A matrix of the in-sample LM indicator prediction residuals. |
mmMatrix |
A Matrix of the measurement model relations. |
smMatrix |
A Matrix of the structural model relations. |
constructs |
A vector of the construct names. |
mmVariables |
A vector of the indicator names. |
outer_loadings |
The matrix of estimated indicator loadings. |
outer_weights |
The matrix of estimated indicator weights. |
path_coef |
The matrix of estimated structural model relationships. |
iterations |
A numeric indicating the number of iterations required before the algorithm converged. |
weightDiff |
A numeric indicating the minimum weight difference between iterations of the algorithm. |
construct_scores |
A matrix of the estimated construct scores for the PLS model. |
rSquared |
A matrix of the estimated R Squared for each construct. |
inner_weights |
The inner weight estimation function. |
data |
A matrix of the data upon which the model was estimated (INcluding interactions. |
rawdata |
A matrix of the data upon which the model was estimated (EXcluding interactions. |
measurement_model |
The SEMinR measurement model specification. |
data(mobi) # seminr syntax for creating measurement model mobi_mm <- constructs( composite("Image", multi_items("IMAG", 1:5)), composite("Expectation", multi_items("CUEX", 1:3)), composite("Value", multi_items("PERV", 1:2)), composite("Satisfaction", multi_items("CUSA", 1:3)) ) mobi_sm <- relationships( paths(to = "Satisfaction", from = c("Image", "Expectation", "Value")) ) mobi_pls <- estimate_pls(mobi, mobi_mm, mobi_sm) cross_validated_predictions <- predict_pls(model = mobi_pls, technique = predict_DA, noFolds = 10, cores = NULL)
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