Zscore on three strains of Prochlorococcus marinus
This dataset contains the zscores computed with the codon model on all CDS from 3 strains of Procholorococcus marinus (as retrieved from Genome Reviews database on June 16, 2005)
List of three dataframes of the zscore of each of the 16 dinucleotides on each CDS retrieved from the specific strain.
strain adapted to living at a depth of 5
meters (high levels of UV exposure)
model on each intergenic sequence
strain adapted to living at a depth of 120 meters (low levels of UV exposure)
strain adapted to living at a depth of 135 meters (low levels of UV exposure)
Palmeira, L., Guéguen, L. and Lobry JR. (2006) UV-targeted dinucleotides
are not depleted in light-exposed Prokaryotic genomes.
Molecular Biology and Evolution,
# # Show the four YpY for the three ecotypes: # data(prochlo) oneplot <- function(x){ plot(density(prochlo$BX548174[, x]), ylim = c(0,0.4), xlim = c(-4,4), lty=3, main = paste(substr(x,1,1), "p", substr(x,2,2), " bias", sep = ""), xlab="",ylab="",las=1, type = "n") rect(-10,-1,-1.96,10, col = "yellow", border = "yellow") rect(1.96,-1,10,10, col = "yellow", border = "yellow") lines(density(prochlo$BX548174[, x]),lty=3) lines(density(prochlo$AE017126[, x]),lty=2) lines(density(prochlo$BX548175[, x]),lty=1) abline(v=c(-1.96,1.96),lty=5) box() } par(mfrow=c(2,2),mar=c(2,3,2,0.5) + 0.1) oneplot("CT") oneplot("TC") oneplot("CC") oneplot("TT") # # Show YpY biases with respect to light exposure # curdev <- getOption("device") OK <- FALSE devlist <- c("X11", "windows", "quartz") # interactive with width and height in inches for(i in devlist){ if(exists(i) && identical(get(i), curdev)){ OK <- TRUE break } } if(OK){ curdev(width = 18, height = 11) par(oma = c(0, 0, 3, 0), mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(5, 4, 0, 0), cex = 1.5) example(waterabs, ask = FALSE) #left figure par(mar = c(5, 0, 0, 2)) plot(seq(-5, 3, by = 1), seq(0, 150, length = 9), col = "white", ann = FALSE, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i") axis(1, at = c(-1.96, 0, 1.96), labels = c(-1.96, 0, 1.96)) lines(rep(-1.96, 2),c(0, 150),lty=2) lines(rep(1.96, 2), c(0, 150),lty=2) title(xlab = "zscore distribution", cex = 1.5, adj = 0.65) selcol <- c(6, 8, 14, 16) z5 <- prochlo$BX548174[, selcol] z120 <- prochlo$AE017126[, selcol] z135 <- prochlo$BX548175[, selcol] todo <- function(who, xx, col = "black", bottom, loupe){ dst <- density(who[, xx]) sel <- which(dst$x >= -3) lines(dst$x[sel], dst$y[sel]*loupe + (bottom), col = col) } todo2 <- function(who, bottom, loupe){ todo(who, "CC", "blue", bottom, loupe) todo(who, "CT", "red", bottom, loupe) todo(who, "TC", "green", bottom, loupe) todo(who, "TT", "black", bottom, loupe) } todo3 <- function(bottom, who, leg, loupe = 90){ lines(c(-5,-3), c(150 - leg, bottom + 20)) rect(-3,bottom,3,bottom+40) text(-2.6,bottom+38, paste(leg, "m")) todo2(who, bottom, loupe) } todo3(bottom = 110, who = z5, leg = 5) todo3(bottom = 50, who = z120, leg = 120) todo3(bottom = 5, who = z135, leg = 135) legend(-4.5,110,c('CpC','CpT','TpC','TpT'),lty=1,pt.cex=cex, col=c('blue','red','green','black')) mtext(expression(paste("Dinucleotide composition for three ", italic("Prochlorococcus marinus")," ecotypes")), outer = TRUE, cex = 2, line = 1) }
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