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Diagonal Discriminant Analysis


This function implements a simple Gaussian maximum likelihood discriminant rule, for diagonal class covariance matrices.

In machine learning lingo, this is called “Naive Bayes” (for continuous predictors). Note that naive Bayes is more general, as it models discrete predictors as multinomial, i.e., binary predictor variables as Binomial / Bernoulli.


dDA(x, cll, pool = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'dDA'
predict(object, newdata, pool = object$pool, ...)
## S3 method for class 'dDA'
print(x, ...)

diagDA(ls, cll, ts, pool = TRUE)



learning set data matrix, with rows corresponding to cases (e.g., mRNA samples) and columns to predictor variables (e.g., genes).


class labels for learning set, must be consecutive integers.


object of class dDA.

ts, newdata

test set (prediction) data matrix, with rows corresponding to cases and columns to predictor variables.


logical flag. If true (by default), the covariance matrices are assumed to be constant across classes and the discriminant rule is linear in the data. Otherwise (pool= FALSE), the covariance matrices may vary across classes and the discriminant rule is quadratic in the data.


further arguments passed to and from methods.


dDA() returns an object of class dDA for which there are print and predict methods. The latter returns the same as diagDA():

diagDA() returns an integer vector of class predictions for the test set.


Sandrine Dudoit, and
Jane Fridlyand, originally wrote stat.diag.da() in CRAN package sma which was modified for speedup by Martin Maechler who also introduced dDA etc.


S. Dudoit, J. Fridlyand, and T. P. Speed. (2000) Comparison of Discrimination Methods for the Classification of Tumors Using Gene Expression Data. (Statistics, UC Berkeley, June 2000, Tech Report \#576)

See Also

lda and qda from the MASS package; naiveBayes from e1071.


## two artificial examples by Andreas Greutert:
d1 <- data.frame(x = c(1, 5, 5, 5, 10, 25, 25, 25, 25, 29),
                 y = c(4, 1, 2, 4,  4,  4,     6:8,     7))
(cl1P <- pam(d1,k=4)$cluster) # 4 surprising clusters
with(d1, points(x+0.5, y, col = cl1P, pch =cl1P))

i1 <- c(1,3,5,6)
tr1 <- d1[-i1,]
cl1. <- c(1,2,1,2,1,3)
cl1  <- c(2,2,1,1,1,3)
plot(tr1, cex=2, col = cl1, pch = 20+cl1)
(dd.<- diagDA(tr1, cl1., ts = d1[ i1,]))# ok
(dd <- diagDA(tr1, cl1 , ts = d1[ i1,]))# ok, too!
points(d1[ i1,], pch = 10, cex=3, col = dd)

## use new fit + predict instead :
(r1 <- dDA(tr1, cl1))
(r1.<- dDA(tr1, cl1.))
stopifnot(dd == predict(r1,  new = d1[ i1,]),
          dd.== predict(r1., new = d1[ i1,]))

plot(tr1, cex=2, col = cl1, bg = cl1, pch = 20+cl1,
     xlim=c(1,30), ylim= c(0,10))
xy <- cbind(x= runif(500, min=1,max=30), y = runif(500, min=0, max=10))
points(xy, cex= 0.5, col = predict(r1, new = xy))
abline(v=c( mean(c(5,25)), mean(c(25,29))))

## example where one variable xj has  Var(xj) = 0:
x4 <- matrix(c(2:4,7, 6,8,5,6,  7,2,3,1, 7,7,7,7), ncol=4)
y <- c(2,2, 1,1)
m4.1 <- dDA(x4, y, pool = FALSE)
m4.2 <- dDA(x4, y, pool = TRUE)
xx <- matrix(c(3,7,5,7), ncol=4)
predict(m4.1, xx)## gave integer(0) previously
predict(m4.2, xx)


Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich

GPL (>= 2)
Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Werner Stahel [ctb] (Functions: compresid2way(), f.robftest(), last(), p.scales(), p.dnorm()), Andreas Ruckstuhl [ctb] (Functions: p.arrows(), p.profileTraces(), p.res.2x()), Christian Keller [ctb] (Functions: histBxp(), p.tachoPlot()), Kjetil Halvorsen [ctb] (Functions: KSd(), ecdf.ksCI()), Alain Hauser [ctb] (Functions: cairoSwd(), is.whole(), toLatex.numeric()*), Christoph Buser [ctb] (to function Duplicated()), Lorenz Gygax [ctb] (to function p.res.2fact()), Bill Venables [ctb] (Functions: empty.dimnames(), primes()), Tony Plate [ctb] (to inv.seq()), Isabelle Fl<fc>ckiger [ctb], Marcel Wolbers [ctb], Markus Keller [ctb], Sandrine Dudoit [ctb], Jane Fridlyand [ctb], Greg Snow [ctb] (to loessDemo()), Henrik Aa. Nielsen [ctb] (to loessDemo()), Vincent Carey [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Philippe Grosjean [ctb], Fr<e9>d<e9>ric Ibanez [ctb], Caterina Savi [ctb], Charles Geyer [ctb], Jens Oehlschl<e4>gel [ctb]
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