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Defunct Functions in Package sfsmisc


The functions or variables listed here are no longer part of package sfsmisc as they are not needed (any more).


## Defunct in 2016-12 --> to be sfsmisc 1.1-1
list2mat(x, check = TRUE)


## deprecated from 2007 to 2013; defunct since 2014-01:
pl.ds() ##-- is replaced by  plotDS()


list2mat(x) was usually the same as sapply(x, c) (where the latter does not construct column names where x has no names).

p.pllines is now defunct because basic R graphics (but not S-PLUS) provide its functionality directly: Use plot(x,y, lty = group, type = 'l', ...).

pl.ds has been renamed to plotDS() in 2007.

See Also


Utilities from 'Seminar fuer Statistik' ETH Zurich

GPL (>= 2)
Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Werner Stahel [ctb] (Functions: compresid2way(), f.robftest(), last(), p.scales(), p.dnorm()), Andreas Ruckstuhl [ctb] (Functions: p.arrows(), p.profileTraces(), p.res.2x()), Christian Keller [ctb] (Functions: histBxp(), p.tachoPlot()), Kjetil Halvorsen [ctb] (Functions: KSd(), ecdf.ksCI()), Alain Hauser [ctb] (Functions: cairoSwd(), is.whole(), toLatex.numeric()*), Christoph Buser [ctb] (to function Duplicated()), Lorenz Gygax [ctb] (to function p.res.2fact()), Bill Venables [ctb] (Functions: empty.dimnames(), primes()), Tony Plate [ctb] (to inv.seq()), Isabelle Fl<fc>ckiger [ctb], Marcel Wolbers [ctb], Markus Keller [ctb], Sandrine Dudoit [ctb], Jane Fridlyand [ctb], Greg Snow [ctb] (to loessDemo()), Henrik Aa. Nielsen [ctb] (to loessDemo()), Vincent Carey [ctb], Ben Bolker [ctb], Philippe Grosjean [ctb], Fr<e9>d<e9>ric Ibanez [ctb], Caterina Savi [ctb], Charles Geyer [ctb], Jens Oehlschl<e4>gel [ctb]
Initial release

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