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adds a colored and rotated ellipse to a plot


plots (part of) outer and inner ellipses and colors inbetween; color can be a palette


filledellipse(rx1 = 1, rx2 = 0, ry1 = rx1, ry2 = NULL, mid = c(0,0), 
  dr = 0.01, angle = 0, from = -pi, to = pi, col = femmecol(100),  
  values = NULL, zlim = NULL, lwd = 2, lcol = NA, ...)



horizontal radius of outer ellipse.


horizontal radius of inner ellipse.


vertical radius of outer ellipse.


vertical radius of inner ellipse.


midpoint of ellipse.


size of segments, in radians, to draw ellipse (decrease for smoother).


rotation angle, degrees.


starting angle for ellipse segment, radians.


final angle for ellipse segment, radians. The segment is drawn counterclockwise. The default is draw a full ellipse.


color palette to be used; also allowed are two extremes or one value.


if not NULL, a matrix providing (radius,z-values) couples, used for coloring. .


Only if values is not NULL: the minimum and maximum z values for which colors should be plotted, defaulting to the range of the finite values of the second column of values.


width of external line.


line color.


arguments passed to R-function polygon.


draws (part of) an outer and inner ellipse, as specified by inner and outer radiusses:

rx1,ry1: horizontal and vertical radiusses of outer ellipse; rx2,ry2: same for inner ellipse. Here "horizontal" and "vertical" denote the position BEFORE rotation

Fills with a palette of colors inbetween

values: if not NULL, a matrix providing (radius,z-values) couples, used for coloring. Here radius are positive values denoting the relative distance between the shapes centre and edge. The radiusses are rescaled to be in [0,1] if needed. z-values (2nd column of values) together with zlim and col denote the coloration level.

Colors in col will be interpolated to the z-values and used to color an interval as given by the input radiusses.

If rx2, the radius of the inner ellipse is 0, the ellipse is full.


Karline Soetaert <>

See Also


color <- greycol(50)
dr    <- 0.05
emptyplot(xlim = c(-2, 2), ylim = c(-2, 2), col = color[length(color)], 
          main = "filledellipse")
filledellipse(rx1 = 1, mid = c(1, 1) , dr = dr, 
              col = shadepalette(endcol = "darkblue")) 
filledellipse(rx1 = 1, ry1 = 0.5, mid = c(-1, -1), dr = dr, angle = 90, 
              col = shadepalette(endcol = "darkred"))
filledellipse(rx1 = 1, ry1 = 0.5, rx2 = 0.5, dr = dr, mid = c(0, 0), 
              col = c(rev(color), color))
filledellipse(rx1 = 0.5, mid = c(1, -1), dr = dr, from = pi,  to = 1.5*pi, 
              col = rev(shadepalette(endcol = "black"))) 
filledellipse(mid = c(-1, 1))  
emptyplot(xlim = c(-2, 2), ylim = c(-2, 2), main = "filledellipse")
filledellipse(rx1 = 0.75, mid = c(-1, 1), col = greycol(100) , dr = dr,  
              values = cbind (1:100, (1:100)^0.5))
filledellipse(rx1 = 0.75, mid = c(1, 1), col = greycol(100)  , dr = dr,  
              values = cbind (1:100, (1:100)))
filledellipse(rx1 = 0.75, mid = c(-1, -1), col = greycol(100), dr = dr,  
              values = cbind (1:100, (1:100)^2))
filledellipse(rx1 = 0.75, mid = c(1, -1), col = greycol(100) , dr = dr,  
              values = cbind (1:100, (1:100)^5))


Functions for Plotting Graphical Shapes, Colors

GPL (>= 3)
Karline Soetaert <>
Initial release

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