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Freeze a reactive value


These functions freeze a reactiveVal(), or an element of a reactiveValues(). If the value is accessed while frozen, a "silent" exception is raised and the operation is stopped. This is the same thing that happens if req(FALSE) is called. The value is thawed (un-frozen; accessing it will no longer raise an exception) when the current reactive domain is flushed. In a Shiny application, this occurs after all of the observers are executed. NOTE: We are considering deprecating freezeReactiveVal, and freezeReactiveValue except when x is input. If this affects your app, please let us know by leaving a comment on this GitHub issue.



freezeReactiveValue(x, name)



For freezeReactiveValue, a reactiveValues() object (like input); for freezeReactiveVal, a reactiveVal() object.


The name of a value in the reactiveValues() object.

See Also


## Only run this examples in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {

ui <- fluidPage(
  selectInput("data", "Data Set", c("mtcars", "pressure")),
  checkboxGroupInput("cols", "Columns (select 2)", character(0)),

server <- function(input, output, session) {
    data <- get(input$data)
    # Sets a flag on input$cols to essentially do req(FALSE) if input$cols
    # is accessed. Without this, an error will momentarily show whenever a
    # new data set is selected.
    freezeReactiveValue(input, "cols")
    updateCheckboxGroupInput(session, "cols", choices = names(data))

  output$plot <- renderPlot({
    # When a new data set is selected, input$cols will have been invalidated
    # above, and this will essentially do the same as req(FALSE), causing
    # this observer to stop and raise a silent exception.
    cols <- input$cols
    data <- get(input$data)

    if (length(cols) == 2) {
      plot(data[[ cols[1] ]], data[[ cols[2] ]])

shinyApp(ui, server)


Web Application Framework for R

GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Winston Chang [aut, cre], Joe Cheng [aut], JJ Allaire [aut], Carson Sievert [aut], Barret Schloerke [aut], Yihui Xie [aut], Jeff Allen [aut], Jonathan McPherson [aut], Alan Dipert [aut], Barbara Borges [aut], RStudio [cph], jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library), jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt), jQuery UI contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery UI library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt), Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library), Prem Nawaz Khan [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Victor Tsaran [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Dennis Lembree [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Srinivasu Chakravarthula [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Cathy O'Connor [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), PayPal, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Stefan Petre [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library), Andrew Rowls [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library), Dave Gandy [ctb, cph] (Font-Awesome font), Brian Reavis [ctb, cph] (selectize.js library), Salmen Bejaoui [ctb, cph] (selectize-plugin-a11y library), Denis Ineshin [ctb, cph] (ion.rangeSlider library), Sami Samhuri [ctb, cph] (Javascript strftime library), SpryMedia Limited [ctb, cph] (DataTables library), John Fraser [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library), John Gruber [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library), Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library), R Core Team [ctb, cph] (tar implementation from R)
Initial release

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