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Create a select list input control


Create a select list that can be used to choose a single or multiple items from a list of values.


  selected = NULL,
  multiple = FALSE,
  selectize = TRUE,
  width = NULL,
  size = NULL

selectizeInput(inputId, ..., options = NULL, width = NULL)



The input slot that will be used to access the value.


Display label for the control, or NULL for no label.


List of values to select from. If elements of the list are named, then that name — rather than the value — is displayed to the user. It's also possible to group related inputs by providing a named list whose elements are (either named or unnamed) lists, vectors, or factors. In this case, the outermost names will be used as the group labels (leveraging the <optgroup> HTML tag) for the elements in the respective sublist. See the example section for a small demo of this feature.


The initially selected value (or multiple values if multiple = TRUE). If not specified then defaults to the first value for single-select lists and no values for multiple select lists.


Is selection of multiple items allowed?


Whether to use selectize.js or not.


The width of the input, e.g. '400px', or '100%'; see validateCssUnit().


Number of items to show in the selection box; a larger number will result in a taller box. Not compatible with selectize=TRUE. Normally, when multiple=FALSE, a select input will be a drop-down list, but when size is set, it will be a box instead.


Arguments passed to selectInput().


A list of options. See the documentation of selectize.js for possible options (character option values inside base::I() will be treated as literal JavaScript code; see renderDataTable() for details).


By default, selectInput() and selectizeInput() use the JavaScript library selectize.js ( instead of the basic select input element. To use the standard HTML select input element, use selectInput() with selectize=FALSE.

In selectize mode, if the first element in choices has a value of "", its name will be treated as a placeholder prompt. For example: selectInput("letter", "Letter", c("Choose one" = "", LETTERS))

Performance note: selectInput() and selectizeInput() can slow down significantly when thousands of choices are used; with legacy browsers like Internet Explorer, the user interface may hang for many seconds. For large numbers of choices, Shiny offers a "server-side selectize" option that massively improves performance and efficiency; see this selectize article on the Shiny Dev Center for details.


A select list control that can be added to a UI definition.

Server value

A vector of character strings, usually of length 1, with the value of the selected items. When multiple=TRUE and nothing is selected, this value will be NULL.


The selectize input created from selectizeInput() allows deletion of the selected option even in a single select input, which will return an empty string as its value. This is the default behavior of selectize.js. However, the selectize input created from selectInput(..., selectize = TRUE) will ignore the empty string value when it is a single choice input and the empty string is not in the choices argument. This is to keep compatibility with selectInput(..., selectize = FALSE).

See Also


## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {

# basic example
  ui = fluidPage(
    selectInput("variable", "Variable:",
                c("Cylinders" = "cyl",
                  "Transmission" = "am",
                  "Gears" = "gear")),
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$data <- renderTable({
      mtcars[, c("mpg", input$variable), drop = FALSE]
    }, rownames = TRUE)

# demoing group support in the `choices` arg
  ui = fluidPage(
    selectInput("state", "Choose a state:",
      list(`East Coast` = list("NY", "NJ", "CT"),
           `West Coast` = list("WA", "OR", "CA"),
           `Midwest` = list("MN", "WI", "IA"))
  server = function(input, output) {
    output$result <- renderText({
      paste("You chose", input$state)


Web Application Framework for R

GPL-3 | file LICENSE
Winston Chang [aut, cre], Joe Cheng [aut], JJ Allaire [aut], Carson Sievert [aut], Barret Schloerke [aut], Yihui Xie [aut], Jeff Allen [aut], Jonathan McPherson [aut], Alan Dipert [aut], Barbara Borges [aut], RStudio [cph], jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library), jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jquery-AUTHORS.txt), jQuery UI contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery UI library; authors listed in inst/www/shared/jqueryui/AUTHORS.txt), Mark Otto [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Jacob Thornton [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Bootstrap contributors [ctb] (Bootstrap library), Twitter, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap library), Prem Nawaz Khan [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Victor Tsaran [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Dennis Lembree [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Srinivasu Chakravarthula [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Cathy O'Connor [ctb] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), PayPal, Inc [cph] (Bootstrap accessibility plugin), Stefan Petre [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library), Andrew Rowls [ctb, cph] (Bootstrap-datepicker library), Dave Gandy [ctb, cph] (Font-Awesome font), Brian Reavis [ctb, cph] (selectize.js library), Salmen Bejaoui [ctb, cph] (selectize-plugin-a11y library), Denis Ineshin [ctb, cph] (ion.rangeSlider library), Sami Samhuri [ctb, cph] (Javascript strftime library), SpryMedia Limited [ctb, cph] (DataTables library), John Fraser [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library), John Gruber [ctb, cph] (showdown.js library), Ivan Sagalaev [ctb, cph] (highlight.js library), R Core Team [ctb, cph] (tar implementation from R)
Initial release

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